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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Men chant 'Black lives matter' before viciously attacking white victims, police say

AKRON, OH (WOIO) -A group of men chanting "Black Lives Matter" was accused of viciously beating up seven white victims in Akron early Sunday morning.

According to the police report, the attack happened around 12:30 a.m. in the area of Carroll and Goodkirk streets.

Police said seven white men were walking when they were approached by five black men and two white men, shouting, "Black lives matter."

The suspects started hitting them with bottles, punching and kicking the victims. One victim fell to the ground and was kicked in the head several times before losing consciousness. The suspects then took the victims' belongings before running off.



  1. We need a white Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton because these are federal charges! Federal hate crimes!

  2. Nothing to see here. If Obama had a son ...

  3. Blacks have been voting democrat for 50 years and every 4 years still have the same complaints have they every heard the definition of insanity?

  4. Black Lives Matter. Gimme your stuff!

  5. Black lives do not matter,just look at Chicago, Baltimore or Washington, DC! Give me a break!

  6. Black Lives can Matter in prison for all I care.

  7. That kid on the end is probably the craziest of them all

  8. If it was the other way around, it would be a "hate crime". Equal protection under the law is a constitutional law, but this administration has turned the constitution on its head.

  9. Arm yourselves people. Just remember do not shoot for the head it will bounce off. The minute we aloud Americans to be addressed as African Americans we entitled them to this behavior. We created this problem now it is time to fix it. VOTE TRUMP


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