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Friday, August 12, 2016

Lou Dobbs Poll


  1. Of course it was a quid pro quo scheme on the Clintons' part. You think those two corrupt criminals will actually do anything honest? Their whole parasitic lives they've been feeding off the backs of taxpayers - first in Arkansas and then off the United States taxpayers. Those two bobsie Twins have been skirting the law far too long. All three Clintons should be behind bars for the rest of their natural lives. Given how sick they both look, the elders won't be there long anyway.

  2. I think the foundation was mainly set up to line the Clinton's pockets. They are the worst examples of "Public Servants" I have ever seen.

  3. Clinton's need their heads cut off!

  4. These are real numbers, Look around your area, Trump signs vs, Hillary signs,

    Same ratio!


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