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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Leaked Soros Document Calls For Regulating Internet To Favor ‘Open Society’ Supporters

An internal proposed strategy from George Soros’s Open Society Justice Initiative calls for international regulation of private actors’ decisions on “what information is taken off the Internet and what may remain.” Those regulations, the document notes, should favor “those most supportive of open society.”

The Open Society Justice Initiative (OSJI) is part of the Open Society Foundations, Soros’s secretive network of political organizations. According to the organization’s website, “The Open Society Justice Initiative uses law to protect and empower people around the world, supporting the values and work of the Open Society Foundations.”

More here


  1. This man needs to be stopped. If Trump wins they should figure out a way to deport this disgusting excuse for a human being.

  2. Islam putting a crush on free speech.

  3. it needs to be something a little more permanent and irreversable than deportation

  4. Where's the CIA when you need them.

  5. Oh now all of a sudden you see it on this blog or in the media and NOW YOU WANT TO STOP this man... After all the work and hardships people had to go through, some being locked up in jail to fight and stop this man all for you clowns to demonize them and call them conspiracy theorists... It looks to me, the conspiracy people have been right so far about the past 8 years... Maybe you should start to listen now... Now that it is to late to fix anything, as usual!!!!!!!!!

  6. 421
    You are correct. Those of us who have known about the conspiracies have been demonized far too long. The evidence of these conspiracies against the people are abundant.

  7. Perhaps NOW, you dummies can see why obama is hellbent on giving up the control of the internet to the United Nations.
    It ain't for more "freedom".


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