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Sunday, August 14, 2016

Latest News from Wicomico County Public Schools

Wicomico Public Schools


Thanks so much to the Wicomico NAACP for hosting the annual Back to School Rally on Aug. 4 at Salisbury Middle School, with lots of support from local officials (including Salisbury Mayor Jake Day), organizations and businesses. It's time to get excited about the 2016-2017 school year! Check out the Back to School Information page on our website for useful information on open houses, school supplies, immunizations, and more.

A host of great events are going on all the time in Wicomico County Public Schools. Some key dates coming up:

Aug. 23-25: Open house activities at schools and in the community.
Aug. 25: All staff at 2016-17 opening activity, schools and offices closed until 11:30 a.m.
Aug. 29: First day of 2016-17 school year. All students grades 1-6 and 9 report (Grade 6 only at Mardela Middle and High, all grades report at Pittsville Elementary and Middle)
Aug. 29-Sept. 2: Prekindergarten and Kindergarten students report as assigned by school.
Aug. 30: All students grades 1-12 in school.
Sept. 5: Schools/Central Office closed for Labor Day.

Natalie's Lemonade Stand

Lemonade stand
Our students do amazing things. When a car accident tragically ended the life of JMB senior Natalie Insley on Aug. 2, a group of Northwestern Elementary children quickly acted on the urge to do something to help by running Natalie's Lemonade Stand in their neighborhood. People and businesses came from near and far to support Natalie's family by buying lemonade and cupcakes and making donations. In just a few days, the stand raised around $20,000 to assist the family with expenses, and gave people a place to gather to comfort each other and share memories of Natalie. We are so proud of these students for their compassion and leadership, and appreciative of everyone who supported their effort.


  1. So another stingray installed to track you and steal your data from your phone, and of course why not put it on the school grounds, since it is the kids data you want more than anything, what better way to get it... Since kids don't care about being watched or tracked or having their info online anyway... And since most people are stupid, including some parents, they won't even know and when you tell them, they will call you a conspiracy theorist becasue they are to lazy to research it on their own, and rather live in denial...

  2. Should a group like the NAACP that lacks diversity have access to students?

  3. Don't worry a bit about the radiation emitted by the cell tower.
    It won't hurt anyone.
    A little bit of radiation is OK.
    Ditto for the immunizations . . . a little bit of mercury is OK.

    Happy Happy Happy

    1. Oh ok. But all those kids walk around all day with their noses glued to a cell phone screen.

  4. No wonder my taxes keep going up. I have to pay for my kids because I work!!!

  5. 4:47 Did you even read this?

  6. Just how much BS and other crap would there be if a group gave white kids stuff only?

  7. dear 5:32
    A group does give white kids stuff only it's called parents and grandparents .
    The group also gives the black kids stuff , it's called taxes.

  8. 5:32 YES, there would be a media storm, Jessie Jackson and creepy Al Sharpton would be grandstanding. Black Lies Matter would be screaming, "Racists".

  9. Towers are placed on school property to reduce opposition because the tower owner's know people will not publically speak out about their child's school even though the school is benefitting financially while the tower is spying and emitting harmful rays.

    1. Your mom is calling down the basement stairs. Your pizza rolls are ready.
      Tin hat brigade.

  10. Alot to be said about that first picture. Day is the only white there!

  11. This is a win-win for the tax payer, and the school system. It's nice to see private industry placing these towers were it can really help the community and not just make one person rich. Bravo.

  12. There are some seriously brain impaired folks around here. What are ya'll smoking anyway? Nobody gives a crap if little Billy or Barbara are playing vid games in class.


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