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Friday, August 05, 2016

Khizr Khan Founded Islamic Journal to Defend Sharia Law

Khan defends Sharia law responsible for the executions of gays and women in 11 countries

Khizr Khan, the Muslim immigrant lawyer from Pakistan who arrived in America by way of Dubai and pulled at the heart strings of viewers of the Democratic National Convention by regaling the audience with the story of the loss of his son in Iraq, Army Captain Humayun Khan, told his son’s story but skipped over his own.

Khizr Khan entered the United States in 1980 from Dubai to attend Harvard Law School. That year saw the Central Intelligence Agency ramp up its operations in Pakistan in support of the Afghan mujaheddin against the Soviets.

The Pakistan operation was shepherded by national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, currently an outspoken opponent of Donald Trump and a bitter foe of Russia.



  1. Treason to his son.

  2. So his son was fighting against everything his father was for!

    Son died a hero - father is a terrorist while mother is a slave to their Sharia law...while the Democrats support mom and dad in their terrorist backed ways!

  3. Khan fits well into the Obama Clinton cabinet. Or if she is elected maybe Clinton will appoint Khan to the Supreme Court.

  4. as usual Mr. Trump was right, but it's NOT his battle; leave it to his team...


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