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Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Khizr Khan Believes the Constitution ‘Must Always Be Subordinated to the Sharia’

Notwithstanding his war-hero son’s genuinely patriotic example, Khizr M. Khan has published papers supporting the supremacy of Islamic law over “man-made” Western law — including the very Constitution he championed in his Democratic National Convention speech attacking GOP presidential nod Donald Trump.


In 1983, for example, Khan wrote a glowing review of a book compiled from a seminar held in Kuwait called “Human Rights In Islam” in which he singles out for praise the keynote address of fellow Pakistani Allah K. Brohi, a pro-jihad Islamic jurist who was one of the closest advisers to late Pakistani dictator Gen. Zia ul-Haq, the father of the Taliban movement.

Khan speaks admiringly of Brohi’s interpretation of human rights, even though it included the right to kill and mutilate those who violate Islamic laws and even the right of men to “beat” wives who act “unseemly.”

As Pakistani minister of law and religious affairs, Brohi helped create hundreds of jihadi incubators called madrassas and restored Sharia punishments, such as amputations for theft and demands that rape victims produce four male witnesses or face adultery charges. He also made insulting the Muslim prophet Muhammad a crime punishable by death. To speed the Islamization of Pakistan, he and Zia issued a law that required judges to consult mullahs on every judicial decision for Sharia compliance.

Khan, who says he immigrated to the U.S. in 1980 to escape Pakistan’s “military rule,” nonetheless spoke admiringly of Brohi in his review of his speech. He praised his remarks even though Brohi advocated for the enforcement of the medieval Sharia punishments, known as “hudood” (singular “hadd”), that were later adopted and carried out with brutal efficiency by the Taliban in neighboring Afghanistan.

Divinely ordained punishments have to be inflicted,” Brohi asserted, “and there is very little option for the judge called upon to impose Hadd, if facts and circumstances are established that the Hadd in question has been transgressed, to refuse to impose the punishment.”

Of course, such cruel and unusual Sharia punishments, ranging from stonings and floggings to beheadings, would be a flagrant violation of the Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution.



  1. I'll Bring The Common SenseAugust 3, 2016 at 10:11 AM

    And yet the MSM makes a big hoopla. I'm sorry about their son but it appears the Khans are conning America and in the process exploiting their son's death. How un-American can any person be? It makes him waving his pocket Constitution book a bit of a spit in the face of people watching the speech!

  2. Trump needs to go on the offensive against these terrorists!
    They are advocating all manner of things that their son had agreed to fight against!

    Sorry for your loss - your son is an American Patriot while you the parents are terrorism supporters!

  3. Hogwash. This is a disgraceful and un-American post. Shame on you.

  4. Just checked my own dandy pocket Constitution book and there's nothing in there about Sharia Law at all. Probably because the founding fathers were not hip to Muslims and that's a known fact for people who bother to really study American History. Mr. Khan is in the wrong country for Sharia but I see he's made a good living selling citizenship to his buddies from the Middle East.

  5. 1049 its on Breibart. Maybe you should take it up with them. Here. You just look like a tard. Have a nice day. 😗​😗​😗​

  6. 1049AM: How is the posting "disgraceful and un-American"? Can you use the Socratic Method here and be more specific? I fail to see how a known historical event can be hogwash. Please elaborate.

  7. NQU, Agreed. 1049 is one of those people who if the truth doesn't fit their narrative, they cop to the 'it's hogwash!' What's hogwash is every word out of Clinton and Obama's mouths which also falls under the category of un-American as well. 1049 wants to live in their dens of ignorance rather than make right thinking decisions with all facts on the table.

  8. Anyone surprised?

    Headline should read:

    "Every religious group ever thinks their deities law is higher than the law of the land. All of them."

    Raging bunch of hypocritical loons the lot of ya.


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