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Friday, August 12, 2016

It's Always Nice To Get Feedback From Our Viewers

Thanks for continuing to publish the truth about so many aspects of our lives, not just locally, but globally as well. When I read what you publish, I really have to wonder how on earth so many other folks can just continue to "drink the Koolaid" and happily go about their lives?!? Glad my parents raised me differently and very glad we have your blog to get some real news from. Keep up the good work!


  1. So much of this is the news that no other news source provides here in the Land of Pleasant Living. Bravo!

  2. I'm sure it's part of the reason she didn't qualify for college. Too much getting high and expensive vacations.

  3. I also appreciate everything you do to get the news out.

  4. 2:55 you probably didn't qualify for college seeing as you can't distinguish between two separate posts on a website

  5. August 12, 2016 at 3:19 PM

    the news is out there if you look. Joe just puts it all in one spot, his blog.

  6. I've made that mistake before as well. Sometimes it turns out funny!

    Thanks, Joe, I can certainly back up this person's Kudo's, as your site generally gives me all I need to know locally as well as nationally every day.

    You are 10x any single MSM site in content, and 100x in comments, translated: interest by viewers!


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