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Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Iran Ransom Payment: President Obama Broke the Law by Sending Cash to Iran

The president hoped to camouflage what he knew to be against the law. 

Did it ever occur to President Obama to ask why he couldn’t just cut a check to the Iranian regime? Outrage broke out this week over the revelation that Obama arranged to ship the mullahs piles of cash, worth $400 million and converted into foreign denominations, reportedly in an unmarked cargo plane. The hotly debated question was whether the payment, which the administration attributes to a 37-year-old arms deal, was actually a ransom paid for the release of American hostages Tehran had abducted.

It is a waste of time to debate that point further. The Iranians have bragged that the astonishing cash payment was a ransom — and Obama has been telling us for months that we can trust the Iranians. The hostages were released the same day the cash arrived. One of the hostages has reported that the captives were detained an extra several hours at the airport and told they would not be allowed to leave until the arrival of another plane — inferentially, the unmarked cargo plane ferrying the cash. The reason American policy has always prohibited paying ransoms to terrorists and other abductors is that it only encourages them to take more hostages. And, as night follows day, Iran has abducted more Americans since Obama paid the cash. No matter how energetically the president tries to lawyer the ransom issue, if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck . . . 


  1. It's nothing that he hasn't done before.

  2. Our president broke the law? Say it ain't so!!

  3. I don't think that in a million years that the Iranian's would actually take more American's as hostages. They are a good and honorable people who follow a strict religion forbidding such action. They are a . . . . ........, ah, who am I kidding? They are a bunch of locust eating, wife beating, child molesting and twisted SOB's who deserve to be dealt with harshly. Unfortunately our current POTUS or the pantsuit will do anything about this sort of behavior. We need a POTUS that is unpredictable (aka "Lacking the Temperament for the Job") to throw these Camel jockeys off their game. He would "negotiate" and the business-end of a B52 if necessary and put a stop to this mess.

    Just my two cents.

  4. 2:31 my two cents is that you're an idiot. An unpredictable POTUS? That's not someone I want sending my brothers into battle.

  5. Why is it now all reports about this ransom, leave out the fact of $1.4 billion of interest was on that plane also?

  6. 2:31 my two cents is that you're an idiot. An unpredictable POTUS? That's not someone I want sending my brothers into battle.
    August 9, 2016 at 3:14 PM

    Please rest assured that if he did send anyone into battle (I am a war vet myself) that the results would be swift and definitive. There would be no lingering and worrying about whose feeling might get hurt. So I will keep you two cents and now I have four.

    I feel that there is a misunderstanding here. Being "unpredictable" is part of the game. I remember the last time that we had an election while at the same time having an issue with hostages and the Iranians that a certain unpredictable man named Ronald Reagan was elected and the Iranians turned over our hostages without a shot fired or currency exchanged.

    Just my "four" cents. SMH - calling me an idiot, what a baffoon.

  7. without being wordy; just lock the president up. he broke the law. period.


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