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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Huma Abedin forwarded sensitive material to personal email

2/3 of messages released were sent to unsecured account

Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin may have forwarded classified national security information to one of two personal, unsecured email accounts she regularly used to transact State Department business, the latest cache of emails released by Judicial Watch indicates.

Also on Monday, a federal judge ruled that the State Department must turn over any “non-exempt” documents related to Abedin’s employment at the State Department, and the department must do so before Oct. 14.

Of the more than 160 emails in the latest Judicial Watch release, some 110 emails – two-thirds of the total – were forwarded by Abedin to personal addresses she controlled, humamabedin@[redacted] and habedin@[redacted].

Even more potentially damaging, of the 110 emails Abedin forwarded to her personal email servers, 45 were found by WND to have contained heavily redacted information, with some 20 of the emails 100 percent redacted. Many have a bold “PAGE DENIED” stamped on the page.



  1. She is a Spy for saudis ?

  2. Maybe they should try to prosecute her....she'll roll on the HildaBeast in a heartbeat - if she knows her sentence!

  3. and which middle eastern entity did she forward them to...

  4. Looks like the State Department and the FBI are caught in an interesting situation. I had assumed that some of the "sensitive material" too secret to allow Congress to see is really "damaging to Hillary material." Now in order to defend Huma, they either have to reclassify the emails and re-release them, or open up an investigation into her email activities.

  5. So she could send them to the Muslim Brotherhood.


    ANY of "we, the people" would aleady be in prison.
    You see it (and they make sure you see it) and you can't stop cheering!
    Willfully ignorant, I believe, is the term.


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