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Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Hillary’s Latest Headache: Skolkovo

The subject of Russia’s influence in American politics has been a hot topic of late, particularly as the MSM continues to link Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin and the DNC hack. However, a report published by the Government Accountability Institutepresents a new twist in the Kremlin-US political ties. It all started with the 2009 “Russian reset” touted by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

As detailed in a WSJ op-ed by Peter Schweizer (author of the GAI report), after President Obama visited Russia in 2009, both nations agreed to “identifying areas of cooperation and pursuing joint projects and actions that strengthen strategic stability, international security, economic well-being, and the development of ties between the Russian and American people.”

One such project was Skolkovo, an “innovation city” of 30,000 people on the outskirts of Moscow, billed as Russia’s version of Silicon Valley. As chief diplomat, Hillary was in charge of courting US companies to invest in this new Russian city. Russia, on the other hand, had committed to spend $5 billion over the next three years (2009-12).



  1. I'm happy to hear trump and Russia can talk and be friends. Folks we don't need anymore enemy's and we need money. Russians aren't blowing up building here or doing mass shootings.

  2. Everything she touches....

  3. So under Hillary's watch, "the State Department recruited and facilitated the commitment of billions of American dollars in the creation of a Russian “Silicon Valley” whose technological innovations include Russian hypersonic cruise-missile engines, radar surveillance equipment, and vehicles capable of delivering airborne Russian troops." And some Russian companies donated funds to the Clinton Foundation. How convenient! And the Clintons continue to sell our technologies to our "enemies".

  4. 4:04-I'll be happy to hear that verified.Trump has repeatedly stated that he did not know Putin personally.


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