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Monday, August 15, 2016

Hillary Clinton Has Not Done One Thing for Israel

Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans have been using false Hitler analogies to frighten Jewish voters away from Donald Trump, after several successive presidential elections in which more Jews have been voting for the GOP.

However, aside from attacking Trump’s comment in February that he would be “neutral” in negotiations (though not in general) between Israelis and Palestinians, Democrats struggle to name a single thing Hillary Clinton has done for Israel in decades of political life.

It is easy to find several anti-Israel things Clinton has done. These include: supporting the Iran deal, which places Israel in grave danger as Iran slowly expands its nuclear program and continues supporting terrorists; tattacking on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for approving apartments in a Jewish neighborhood of Jerusalem; comparing Israel to Iran and the Jim Crow South; and kissing Yasser Arafat’s wife, Suha (above), after she falsely accused Israel of using poison gas against Palestinians. While at the State Department, Clinton also surrounded herself with anti-Israel advisers and distributed anti-Israel articles. And he running mate, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA), not only backed the Iran deal, but actually boycotted Netanyahu’s speech to Congress last year.

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  1. Trump knows how valuable Israel is, and how many voters know it. The Clintons will use it as a pawn. Everything is for sale in Clintonland.

  2. Why is Israel so important?
    Why does it have so much influence in our Country?
    Why are so many dual citizens from Israel?

    So many questions. :)


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