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Sunday, August 21, 2016

‘Gender Unicorn’ for Kids Lets Them Color in Their ‘Gender Identity’

“Gender Unicorns” that kids can color in to express their “gender identity” are now being distributed in schools across the country.

A transgender advocacy group is providing schools with the cartoon of a purple unicorn who appears to be thinking about the LGBT rainbow, causing outrage from parents. One district in North Carolina was met with protests after it used the “Gender Unicorn” in its faculty training.

The group, Trans Student Educational Resources, says the Gender Unicorn is an upgrade from the “Genderbread Person,” another cartoon graphic about gender identity targeting children.

The organization offers definitions for “gender identity,” “gender expression/presentation,” “sex assigned at birth,” “sexually attracted to,” and “romantically attracted to” on its informational page on the Gender Unicorn.

Gender identity is defined as “one’s internal sense of being male, female, neither of these, both, or another gender(s).”

More here


  1. Why would KIDS have to answer such questions as who they are sexually attracted to or emotionally attracted to? This has gone to far.

  2. And further, 12:46, why would this be done in the SCHOOLS?

    This is a vehicle for indoctrinating the children as early as possible. Plain and simple.

  3. These people are lying to children. Sick.

  4. This is why Holly Grove, St Francis and other private schools have record enrollments this school year.We want our kids to get a good education without all the liberal nonsense.Children in elementary school are not thinking about their sexuality.I am accepting of transgender persons to a point.But don't expect little kids to deal with this issue....

  5. This pushes kids into roles that they don't necessarily fit, with expectations from each that are gender-based and gender-biased.

  6. i would just copy off the kid next to me

    Regrettably, most Christian leaders do not even understand the most basic rudiments of what the New Age is all about. The word occult simply means hidden or concealed, kept from view.

    Here is just a partial list of ancient satanic teachings, practices and symbols now in vogue and being pushed on the children and teens: color therapy, heavy metal music, unisex dress, sadism, sorcery, incest and immorality, hypnotism, New Age mood music, palmistry, rebellion, astral travel, mystery teachings, ESP (psychic powers), God as Mother, astrology, nature worship, rhythmic breathing, visualization, psychedelic drugs, sodomy, feminism, necromancy, dragons, pyramids, chanting, yoga, demonic music, fortune telling, levitation, self-love, fire walking, body tattoos, numerology, pedophilia, mental imagery; the UNICORN pegasus and other magical beasts; communication with the dead;

  8. Mental and moral freaks must be in charge of out schools.

  9. So we cannot have religious symbols such as a cross or moral teaching such as man and woman is the natural order of things. Instead we're going to use a satanic unicorn to relate a Twisted demonic association to further confuse young minds. This is not an accident it is on purpose,to indoctrinate your children into the satanic Realm! Just more crap from the hidden dangers of the rainbow agenda

  10. It is a cute little cartoon and should go a long way toward thoroughly disturbing the minds of the young children.

  11. If you have children in public school and you need to immediately remove them from this environment this is indoctrination into satanic symbology the ideology they are preaching is so far removed from reality. Its an agenda that you want no part of.

  12. If you have children in public school and you need to immediately remove them from this environment this is indoctrination into satanic symbology the ideology they are preaching is so far removed from reality. Its an agenda that you want no part of.

  13. Democrats want to molest children.

  14. Wait until they see a picture of a pair of unicorns fornicating. That'll spin some little heads around.

  15. Liberalism ain't it wonderful?

  16. I just don't understand how anyone can be called a woman or a man when you still have your penis or vagina. Just because you fell like a woman or dress as a woman, get boob implants and hormones, if you still got a penis then you are still a male. If i feel like a cop,and dress like a cop, that still don't make me a cop. Same as the women, get yourself a real penis and then you can be transgender, you transformed your gender thru surgery, not a costume.

  17. Typical brain washing and indoctrinating our kids in this liberal new world order, one world mentalityand taking our kids as soon as possible that is why they gave k3 and k4 then kindergarten. When I started school I started in first grade at 6 years old. This is just what the communist did back in the forties and fifties take the kids away from their parents as early as possible so they could brain wash them and teach communism.


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