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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Full List of Hillary’s Planned Tax Hikes

Hillary Clinton has made clear she intends to dramatically raise taxes on the American people if elected. She has proposed an income tax increase, a business tax increase, a death tax increase, a capital gains tax increase, a tax on stock trading, an "Exit Tax" and more (see below). Her planned net tax increase on the American people is at least $1 trillion over ten years, based on her campaign’s own figures.

Hillary has endorsed several tax increases on middle income Americans, despite her pledge not to raise taxes on any American making less than $250,000. She has said she would be fine with a payroll tax hike on all Americans, she has endorsed a steep soda tax, endorsed a 25% national gun tax, and most recently, her campaign manager John Podesta said she would be open to a carbon tax. It’s no wonder that when asked by ABC's George Stephanopoulos if her pledge was a "rock-solid" promise, she slipped and said the pledge was merely a “goal.” In other words, she's going to raise taxes on middle income Americans.

Hillary’s formally proposed $1 trillion net tax increase consists of the following:

Income Tax Increase – $350 Billion: Clinton has proposed a $350 billion income tax hike in the form of a 28 percent cap on itemized deductions.

Business Tax Increase -- $275 Billion: Clinton has called for a tax hike of at least $275 billion through undefined business tax reform, as described in a Clinton campaign document.



  1. The worst of "Tax and Spend" liberalism we have seen in quite a while!

    You thought OweBlama was bad...you ain't seen squat yet! This Bim is gonna tax us till we die! If you're earning a wage, you're paying for her voters!

    We really need to ensure that Trump wins this election - so we can take our country back from those that are not working and only voting!

    I'm sick of thugs and thugettes pulling up to go shopping in their Blingcolns while I'm barely paying my mortgage...and they're living in section 8 housing!

    Take welfare to a case-by case basis - review everyone - and test them for drugs, alcohol and tobacco - disqualify them if they test positive. You can even employ the smartest of them to administer the program - supervised by some non-partisan elders interested in conserving our nation.

    Those that want to work will take jobs away from the illegal aliens - reducing that issue as well. Those that don't want to work - will reduce the population by failing to thrive!

  2. It's always the same song and dance. To raise taxes you must punish the hard working middle class. We make up the bulk of the revenue pie. The rich can afford it, the poor don't pay and live off the middle class. They all mention saving the MC a million times. "there are lies and there are statistics" !

  3. This the Gospel Reality -
    "You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."

    -- Dr. Adrian Rogers
    (1931-2005) American pastor

  4. With low wages, scarce jobs and inflation rising at levels income can't keep up, can YOU afford Clinton's tax plan? That's what I thought. Anyone voting for this woman is equivalent to Jews voting for Hitler (and yes, they did.)


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