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Wednesday, August 03, 2016

First Outbreak of Locally Transmitted Zika Virus Confirmed in Continental US

An outbreak of the Zika virus has been confirmed in Florida, marking the first time the virus has been found to be transmitted via infected mosquitoes within the continental U.S.

The outbreak has infected at least four people, three men and one woman, through local transmission, Florida officials said today.

“This means Florida has become the first state in our nation to have local transmission of the Zika virus," Florida Gov. Rick Scott said today.

Scott said a small area in northern Miami that is about a square mile in size is the only area where the Zika virus is being transmitted from mosquitoes to people.

"We’re being very aggressive at testing people there we are testing the mosquitoes there and we spraying to make sure it’s contained," Scott said. He said health officials do not think that the transmission was ongoing.



  1. Funny how this all works, I read an article last night that stated that they really do not know if this is a mosquito issue, they are just guessing.
    Next they will "spray" your community, but no one will tell you what is the spray.
    Then they will force vaccinations on the public. But not tell you whats in the shot.

    All this for less than 1000 (to date) babies born with Zika.

    Boy the drug companies worked overtime on this fake pandemic. And they are still forcing out the fake alarm because our government has not given the rubber stamp to billions in taxpayer money to come up with a vaccination.

    Another false flag. Follow the money.

  2. Swine flu –
    In April 2009 there were only 18K people in the world with the swine flu. Just like any other flu season, people get sick, people die. So Chicken Little ran around squawking and they came up with a vaccine in 5 months. To which they vaccinated 80 million people. 89 million still got the swine flu. And only 9,000 died. Wonder how much the drug company made.


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