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Monday, August 01, 2016

Petition to Remove Air Conditioning From State Dept. Gets over 33k Signatures

Change.org is hosting an online petition calling for the removal of air conditioning from U.S. State Department property, following Secretary of State John Kerry’s comments that climate change is as dangerous, if not more, than threats from ISIS.

As of the time of this publication 33,576 supporters have signed the petition, which according to the site, will be delivered to President Barack Obama.

The petition reads:

WHEREAS, Secretary of State John F. Kerry has suggested that air conditioners are as big a threat as ISIS, and

WHEREAS, it is the duty of our elected and appointed government officials to lead by example,

THEREFORE, we call upon the U.S. Department of State to remove air conditioning from all property that the Department owns, rents, or otherwise employs, including but not limited to embassies, consulates, office buildings, etc., all vehicles owned and/or operated by the Department, and any other property, real or movable, owned, rented, or otherwise employed by the Department.

You can view the petition by clicking here.



  1. I say remove Kerry.....another waste

  2. How stupid is that?

  3. No doubt they'll remove them,Lol

  4. No Joe, we are over 47k now.

  5. not familiar with this method, so how does a "etition" remove an air conditioner?

  6. And don't forget to economize the Secretary's travel arrangements and make him fly coach with the common folk. There's no need in wasting all of that fuel for one man.

    Just my two cents.


  7. John 'Let Me Show You One of My DD14s' Kerry must have been dipping into Tuh-Ray-Zuh's raisins again. It's only been 12 years since he promised to show his DD14; must be in the printer queue behind Kenyan birth certificates!


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