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Friday, August 12, 2016

Dr. Richard Land on Satanic Clubs: Fed Authority on After-School Groups Far Worse

After-school Satanic clubs are bad for elementary school students, but "to allow the government authority to decide which after-school religious clubs are kosher and which ones aren't" is far worse, evangelical leader Dr. Richard Land told Newsmax TV on Wednesday.

"If we start doing that, I can see them saying: 'Well, you can't have an evangelical Christian club. It's a hate group because it teaches that lesbian and homosexual behavior is immoral," Land, president of the Southern Evangelical Seminary, told "Newsmax Prime" host J.D. Hayworth.

"When you start letting the government have that kind of control, it's pretty scary," he said. "That's more frightening to me than Satanic clubs are."

More here


  1. They should allow the satanist. let them explain that the Gays and other assorted sinners will all go to serve their master in the end in eternal pain and suffering. The more souls Satan has, the greater the chance he has of winning the final conflict. So yes, evil will prevail if all keep going at it the way they are now.

  2. Sounds Communistic to me...

  3. 11:11 AM you are really delusional... Good ALWAYS triumphs evil, ALWAYS!!!! IF evil is winning, two things are happening, Good men do nothing to stop bad men, and it is gods will, that is why you have the choice to pick whom you worship... God took the cloak of protection off, when everyone moved towards allowing and accepting the LGBT crap... When people decided to remove god from the court houses and to remove god from money and the like... When everyone turned their back on god becasue you are stupid, or lazy or don't care or because you only think about yourself and what you can gain from others... When you choose not to be a good person... By thinking you won't be affected if you just leave well enough alone, well it affects everyone and just becasue it hasn't gotten to everyone just yet, don't think it won't make it to you...

  4. To 11:22 Please remember, Gods greatest gift to humanity is free will. We are free to make our own choice to follow or not follow Gods laws. Good and evil are relative to ones belief.

  5. Tamalain,
    Correct and thank you.
    We have fee will.
    Satan tries desperately to remove our fee will.
    Satan uses governments to do it. They claim to be preventing crime, when in reality, they are intruding on our natural free will.

  6. No words. Just no words.

    If "Satan" wanted to remove your free will, all he would need to do is present himself, demonstrate that he was Satan. If he did, then the Christian God proposition would have to be true.

    No one could deny the evidence, there fore their "free will" of being able to choose to believe or not would be gone. No one could choose NOT to believe what was demonstrably true.

    This is all Satan would need to do. No sneaking around and covert ops and such.

    All this "free will" stuff is a hoax, an illusion. You cannot choose what you cannot choose, and you will only choose what you will choose, you have no power to change it. There is nothing "free" about it. You can change what you will choose, but only when presented with good reason or evidence... at such time it would be impossible for you to "choose" to the contrary... yet again, negating the notion and need for the "free will" concept.

    The reason your God does not present himself, and lives in "devine hiddeness", is to not remove our free will? So we can choose to believe in him? And if he did reveal himself your free will on that matter is gone. This is the reasoning yes? What about all the Christians who claim to have had a "personal" experience with God. Is their "free will" gone? Could they have ever had it in the first place?

    It's all so nonsensical and ludicrous. Your premises are flawed

  7. 2:15
    No problem.
    Jesus Christ died for all of our souls, including yours.
    When you die, your soul will go to heaven.
    Thank Jesus Christ!
    Praise to his Name!

    Thank you

  8. @2:32

    Yet again, premises flawed. You must first demonstrate the existence of a soul.

    Once you did that, you would need to demonstrate that it needed saving, from something.

    Since neither of these things have ever been demonstrated, there would be little reason to believe in your proposition.

  9. 232 was explaining that it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not.
    Your soul has been saved from the certain ruin that time will inflict.
    While time remains, there is tremendous evil in the world.
    Don't fear it. Your soul (everyone's soul) is safe because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  10. Who says "Satan" is evil?

    He doesn't take "sinners" and reward them with marshmallows and puppies. He *punishes* them for their evil deeds.

    Or so the myth goes.

  11. @5:17

    Yet more absurdity compounded. Let's see if I can help you out.

    Again, let me point out that you must first demonstrate a soul, then you must demonstrate it needs saving from... something. Until then I have no reason to accept your proposition.

    To suggest that there is anything to "fear" is absurd. I don't accept your wildly irrational and unsubstantiated claims, so what sort of crazy does it take to think that I would have anything to fear?

    I get it. You really think this stuff is legit. Know that I don't, so you need to come correct with your arguments. Seriously think about and consider what you will present before posting it.


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