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Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Double Agent: Paul Ryan Races to Media to Join Hillary’s Attacks Against Trump

JANESVILLE, WI — Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan opted to join in on Hillary Clinton’s latest attack against his party’s nominee.

In recent days, the establishment media has devoted a great deal of coverage to Khizr Khan, a Muslim father whose son died serving in Iraq and who spoke at the Democratic National Convention. During his DNC speech, Khan attacked Donald Trump for wanting to curb the record-high rate of Muslim immigration into the U.S.

Following the media’s practically round-the-clock coverage of Khan’s attacks against Trump, Speaker Paul Ryan decided to join in on the pile on.



  1. That cheese eating tu-d should hook up with Kerry and sit under a shade tree together (no a/c). They would make a cute couple with same thoughts.

  2. Ryan needs to go!
    Hope he looses his re-election bid!!!!

  3. If he supports Clinton, then you know something's in it for him.

  4. 11:24 - He supported the HildaBeast by giving Trump such a hard time from the get-go!

  5. They are Globalists for sure. No boarders or guns except for the ones protecting them. Do as we say not as we do.

  6. I hope voters in his state show him what a job he is doing at the next election.

  7. Dave T: Yes Paul has real problems remembering which party he belongs to when he's not sitting down to take a leak. What a prima donna!

  8. I'll be so glad when he's outta there. Hopefully, this November.


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