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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Donald Trump only alternative to establishment corruption

It is the dog days of summer when everybody checks out, everything slows down and the media struggles to fill news pages and airtime. Especially among the political press, this is the calm before next month’s storm when the general election campaigns kick off in earnest on Labor Day.

So is it really any surprise that newspapers and the television and radio have glutted their pages and airwaves with this constant fire-hydrant-force deluge of the most intensely negative coverage of Donald Trump?

“Has Donald Trump ruined journalism?”

Donald Trump never actually wanted to be president.”

“Is Donald Trump’s popularity fueled by racism or economic anxiety? Yes.”



  1. Hence the hit man who got caught in TT.This is getting serious.

  2. The liberals fear Trump because they cannot believe he's come this far. They will do and say anything to sabotage this campaign to keep him out of the White House. But he is our only conservative choice who has a chance at keeping Hillary out of the White House.

  3. The journalists themselves are responsible for ruining journalism.


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