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Friday, August 05, 2016

DeRay Mckesson sues Baton Rouge over arrests at protest

Baltimore schools administrator and Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson has filed a class action lawsuit against Baton Rouge over the arrests of hundreds of demonstrators during the protest of a deadly police shooting last month.

Mckesson's attorney, Roy J. Rodney Jr., said he is alleging that the arrests of the protesters were illegal, and the jurisdiction must return to them their bond money and expunge any arrest records.

Mckesson, who was among the demonstrators arrested, is not seeking damages. But he wants to recoup money spent fighting what Rodney called unlawful arrests.



  1. Photo shows a black cop jacking up a loser that should have been home and not there going ape s-it.

  2. McKissit McKesson!

  3. Dave T: Deray, you look and act like a total thug and I hope for your sake that our paths don't cross, as I will deal with you handily if they do. I simply don't like you or what you stand for, and it would bring me joy to make an example out of you for others to fear. You're nothing but a two bit punk who deserves to put in his place and I am more than up for that job. Just remember, in dealing with folks like you, compassion is not one of my finer points.

  4. I hope he has a bumpy ride to jail in the back of a van, then he falls down the stairs head first at the court house!

  5. Black americans need to really see who continues to stiffle their dreams and who continues to enslave them!...DEMOCRATS. African Americans, you need join the trump train in order to live the real american dream. Democrats Rinos & Hillary with only further your races demise.

    And when this happens, and when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:

    Free at last! Free at last!

    Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!

    Certinly not under any Democrats and RINOs globlist NWO policies!

  6. gotta get in on that free money!


  7. Just needs to read his BLM Ops Manual. Fill out the Bail and Related Legal Expenses form and send to Soros for promptly reimbursement. Same address as the one on the paychecks.

    You'd think a guy with a 165k no-accountability job in Baltimore schools could figure this out. Must be a product of the schools there.

  8. If he is a school administrator I now understand why kids from Baltimore can't read, write or speak intelligently. Imagine if there were a white administrator in the Baltimore school system who promoted violence against blacks? I think they would be fired faster than you can say EBT card.
    He is making $165 thousand a year and still has a job?


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