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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Deceased FBI Agent Found At Trump Tower With Silenced Pistol

According to Get Off The Bs, a source within the NYPD has reported that an armed 62 year old man tried to sneak in to the Trump Tower late Tuesday night. Interestingly the suspect who was found with a semi-automatic handgun fitted with a silencer has been identified as Barry Lee Bush, a former Newark NJ FBI agent who has been dead since 2007.

A Secret Service agent discovered Bush after he had circumvented a security partition on the bottom floor of the Trump Tower. Questioned by Secret Service at the scene, Bush who initially identified himself as Barry Franklyn, remained silent offering no explanation for why he broke security at the Trump Tower.

According to the NYPD source, Bush was arrested for trespassing and for illegally carrying a pistol fitted with an illegal silencer. During his booking at the NYPD Jail, Bush’s fingerprints were submitted to the National Crime Information Center, which immediately reported Bush’s true identity.

“I wasn’t sure if our system had malfunctioned, so I rescanned his fingerprints to confirm that our system was working correctly. There was no system error. The man we have in custody was reported deceased in 2007 after being shot in an attempted bank robbery, “one source speaking on anonymity said.

The New York Times reported on April 6, 2007 that Barry Bush, a veteran F.B.I. agent on a bank-robbery detail was fatally wounded apparently when another agent’s weapon accidentally discharged during a confrontation with three gunmen outside a bank in a quiet town in central New Jersey.



  1. The establishment wants him eliminated. Fortunately for Trump he has the best security that money can buy! Definitely worried for him and his family. Bobby Kennedy is a good example of what can happen when the establishment wants to get rid of you!

  2. His manner of death is reported in documents obtained by a FOIA request in 2013. They state that he was killed by a newbie local SWAT member who mistook him for one of the robbers.

  3. Have we found the Clinton's main man for all of the suspicious deaths that surround them?

  4. And now the plot starts to unravel....
    We are just sheep to them.

  5. I'm gonna call bs on this one.

  6. 9:49, you may have a point. Clinton's want Trump and Assange dead ASAP...so sad to see this go on and on. The Clinton's have left a trail of dead bodies everywhere. When the history books are written on this couple, no one will believe it. Truth is stranger than fiction. I pray Someone will finally take a serious look at all these 'mysterious' deaths and investigate thoroughly.

  7. Wow! At what point will Trump return the favor? I sure as hell would! This is obviously one of Killary Smittens hit men! Hes a CIA hit man. Period! Free to travel and kill and never be suspected cause he is already a ghost! Dead yrs ago! How many more are there? Bet some of these guys not caught yet died in the tower attacks! You people better wake up and realize the government is out to get us!

  8. What better cover for a CIA operative? Declared deceased. No record. Kind of like mission impossible. People who go undercover are declared dead all time, or people on a witness protection program. Declared dead and then get their name changed. This government doesn't surprise me!

  9. The law abiding American citizen's worst enemy is the corrupt US government.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I'm gonna call bs on this one.

    August 24, 2016 at 9:51 AM

    That's fine and I encourage different viewpoints, but you need to supply some facts to back up your bs claim, please.

  11. 11:40
    I agree with you


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