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Thursday, August 18, 2016

Death of Wicomico Co. Man During Transport For Treatment Investigated

(HEBRON, MD) – Maryland State Police criminal investigators assigned to the Wicomico Bureau of Investigation are investigating the death of a man who may have had a medical emergency while county deputies and EMS personnel were moving him from his home to an ambulance.

The deceased is identified as Jerry Rosenberger Jr., 32, of Hebron, Md. He was pronounced dead at Peninsula Regional Medical Center.

The preliminary investigation indicates that at about 8:15 p.m. yesterday, deputies from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to a call for a disorderly man at a home in the 25000-block of Gristmill Road, Hebron. Deputies were met by the father of the disorderly man, who reported his son had been acting strange and he was afraid his son may hurt him. The father reported his son had assaulted him earlier this month. He said his son was taking prescription medications and several muscle building supplements.

Deputies found the man, believed to weigh about 400 pounds, seated on his bedroom floor sweating profusely. According to deputies, Rosenberger was experiencing mood swings ranging from calm to angry and was speaking nonsensically. Deputies determined he should be transported to the hospital for an emergency petition and summoned EMS personnel.

Mardela Springs Emergency Medical Services personnel responded and Rosenberger told them he could not walk to the ambulance. EMS personnel enlisted the assistance of deputies to help move the man on a collapsible stretcher. When they reached the ambulance, EMS personnel determined the man was not breathing and emergency procedures were initiated.

Rosenberger was transported by ambulance to the hospital, where he was later pronounced dead. His body has been transported to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore for an autopsy to determine the cause and manner of death.

State Police investigators from the Wicomico County Bureau of Investigation are conducting the investigation. They are continuing to conduct interviews of persons on the scene last night. In addition to the deputies and EMS personnel, an officer from the Salisbury Police Department was also present. The preliminary investigation indicates there was no significant physical contact or any use of force by law enforcement or EMS personnel involved.

The investigation is continuing.


  1. He lived in Mardela not Hebron down near Snethen Church

  2. How does a 32 year old man get to weigh 400 pounds?


  3. Living at home
    Over weight
    Probably not employed
    Parents probably enablers
    So sorry

    1. He was employed and he was a weight lifter.... why would you talk about a dead man like you know him?

  4. 5:18 & 6:05 Did you read the story, the release. prescription meds and SEVERAL muscle building supplements......sweating profusely.....mood swings, etc. I'm not thinking a fat guy, I'm thinking a weight-lifting wanna-be bodybuilder doing lots of steroids.

    And to MSP and WBOC and the others carrying this story: How in this wide world do you describe this area as Hebron???? The address is NOT Hebron, it is only about 1.5 miles out of Mardela. And why are there any questions or clarifications about the EMS crew. Many patients die on the stretcher, and steroids have a great big side effect....DEATH.

    The national news is doing a really poor job of reporting factual and objective news........how about the local guys trying to do a better job of just that....????

  5. Body builder freaky types top out around 300. The guy was obese and trying to build muscle to burn fat with sketchy supplements would be my guess. No you can not believe what you read.

  6. I tried no steroids and regular exercise through hard work and made it to 62 and still going. Maybe he had a bad plan that didn't work.

    Oh, I don't lift weights or do the gym, but heck, I'm still alive!

  7. Said Hebron because Mardela EMS being investigated. Other drugs found not perscription. And supplements that were not legal. Ordered out of country! Extesy amphedimine and a whole jug of it in two days when the container says one tablespoon twice a day is bad ! But the strap around the neck even for a 30 second move from the hallway to outside on the stretcher will hurt ... Can't wait to see what coroner says.......

    1. That makes no sense to say Hebron was listed because Mardela is being investigated. EMS is not being investigated. There is no reason for EMS to be investigated. The investigation is for the illegal drugs. Any death such as this will get an autopsy to see if drugs was the cause and if prior medical history contributed.

  8. Sounds like bathsalts or molly to me.People need to wake up and see that it is the new fad now.Scary


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