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Friday, August 26, 2016

Cummings Expresses Concern, Requests Briefing On Police Flights

Rep. Elijah Cummings, whose district includes most of Baltimore, said that the secrecy of the surveillance flights commissioned by Baltimore police since January wasn't just troubling, but potentially counter-productive.

"If the police department is claiming--and they may be right--that this would prevent crime and help to solve crime, why did it have to be a secret?" Cummings said. "As a matter of fact, it would probably be better if they were to have a program that people know that they are being viewed."

He said he needed to study the issue more, and has requested a briefing from police Commissioner Kevin Davis. He suggested the legal issues surrounding the flights may one day end up on Capitol Hill in front of the House Committee on Government Reform, on which he is the top Democrat. He said the revelations were particularly troubling just weeks after the release of the U.S. Department of Justice report on Baltimore policing. The report accused officers of systemic constitutional violations.



  1. Hopefully, they give him the same exact answer that he gave when he was questioned about his daughter using his U. S. House of Representative tags while driving an Uber car. His reply "I don't know". Even though it is HIS responsibility to maintain security of his issued tags and ensure they are used in accordance with the law. You can't use those tags on a TAXI. But, more of the same "do as I say...not as I do" and "you're picking on me because I'm black". He is a loud mouth arrogant fool.

  2. I certainly respect his opinions. He's done such a fine job with Baltimore.
    (Where is that sarcasm font when you need it?!)

  3. I'll bet that drone never even flew over or even looked at any Whiteys! Nope! Not never!

    What a race baiting fool!

  4. Thanks 10:22 - Well done!

  5. When will this guy finally leave office. Career positions are what politicians make of their terms. Get out man.

  6. Prevent Crime = Removal of Free Will

    Think about it folks.

  7. He is no part of any kind of a solution. He is only more of a problem. He has more mouth than a high top shoe. As all can see, he has done such an excellent job for the people of Baltimore. Just another blow hard mouthy nothing.

  8. You Cant polish a turd and im not refering to the police dept!
    That problem is a result of democratic rule and policies

  9. This fool is a vial POS scum!


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