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Thursday, August 18, 2016


Salisbury Fire Department Station #2 at the corner of Brown and Naylor Streets. Demolished because the Fire Chief told Shore Distributors that the building had been "Condemned." Building demolished at the cost of $50,000 paid for by the tax payers. Aren't condemned buildings vacated immediately?


  1. If a building is truly condemned then all occupants would have been ordered out of the building because the condemned building would have been a danger to the firemen and paramedics that are in that property 24 hours a day. If that building was truly condemned then why did it take over 2 years for the new Fire Palace to be built on Naylor Street?

  2. There was nothing wrong with that building. Hoppes just wanted a new building to go along with every thing else that was bought new under him.

  3. Since the old fire station #2 was being reverted back to Shore Distributors then why did the city tax payers have to pay $50,000 for it to be demolished? Looks like Rick Hoppes, Jim Ireton and Jake Day screwed us over again.

    $50,000 could have gone a long way. So could have the $6 million dollars it cost to construct the new building.

  4. There was nothing wrong with that building. It had to be torn down as soon as possible to destroy the evidence that it wasn't really condemned.

  5. Surprised they didn't sell it to Gillis for $1,000.

  6. $50,000 for another visitors center

  7. The one across for Wicomico Library wasn't safe but is still open. Never here anything about the fire boat.How many missions has it been on and what is the cost of maintenance? I think it was a gift, grant money...Lol Free...Lol

  8. How can the old firehouse be sold and not demolished / condemned when they stated the floors were cracked and unsafe? That should be a Tax Payer Lawsuit for allowing the operation of a business in a condemned building.

  9. Liars, all of them, just plain Liars.

  10. They had to get rid of the ghosts...


  11. Jake (Bert from Sesame Street) is just more of the same.

  12. Anonymous said...
    How can the old firehouse be sold and not demolished / condemned when they stated the floors were cracked and unsafe? That should be a Tax Payer Lawsuit for allowing the operation of a business in a condemned building.

    August 18, 2016 at 11:30 AM

    If the floors were cracked and unsafe then they would have immediately pulled the fire engines and the fire equipment out of that building.

    They had to say it was condemned or they wouldn't have gotten another new fire station in Salisbury.

    Why didn't they rebuild up north like they always wanted to??

  13. Not only is that building a historical loss, but tearing it down causes you to lose real estate taxes on it as well. Damn Idiots!

  14. I see that some how Darrin Scott got promoted to Deputy Chief? How did that happen? That guy has failed many exams and he is somewhat "special." He is not very bright and I am curious how he got Deputy Chief over 4 other Assistant Chiefs since Darrin Scott was the last one promoted to AC?? Does anyone know if there was a promotional process for this position?


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