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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Colin Kaepernick’s Biological Mother Steps Into National Anthem Fray With a Pointed Message for the Quarterback

The biological mother of San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick criticized his controversial refusal to stand for the National Anthem last Friday.

“There’s ways to make change w/o disrespecting & bringing shame to the very country & family who afforded you so many blessings,” tweeted Heidi Russo, who gave up Kaepernick for adoption when he was an infant.

Russo’s Twitter bio reads: “Wife, mom to Michael, Ethan & Alex, Birthmom of Colin, Co-Founder of Linked Thru Love, advocate for changing stigmas & stereotypes for birthmothers & adoption.”

She added this message to Kaepernick: “The path less traveled doesn’t need to be one of destruction.”

According to a 2013 ESPN article, Russo was “19, unmarried and nearly broke when she gave him up. She cared for him for five weeks while she looked for an adopting couple who were (A) set for money, (B) had other kids and (C) loved sports. Heidi stands 6-foot-2, and the birth father, now absent, was also 6-2.”



  1. This coming from the same woman who ga e him up as a infant ?

    1. It is her right and did it for good reasons. In America we have this freedom. I applaud her for standing up and coming out

  2. Suspend him without pay for every game he disrespects the US flag. Then lets see how he likes the US and the US fans money.

  3. Well said Ms Russo!

  4. Blanket party in the lockers.

  5. Why disrespect the country that has given you the opportunity of a lifetime. I'll never watch a 49'ers game again !

  6. 5:51--
    Sounds like she made a very difficult decision for the welfare of her child. Judge much?


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