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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Clinton Campaign Refuses To Answer Questions Over Foundation Funding

In a somewhat shocking interview, CNN does not lob softballs at Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook when he refuses to answer the simple question of why The Clinton Foundation will continue to accept funding from homosexual-killing, terrorist-funding foreign entities... until she becomes President, when it will be unacceptable for more than half of her donors.

Having admitted that 53% of her current donors will be barred under her proposed new rules, questions remain as to why she continues to accept donations from these entities... As the following exchange shows - note the use of the "unprecedented" and the attempted pivot-to-Trump distraction - The Clinton campaign has no good answer.

Perhaps a simple translation is required - As Mook said "we're focused on getting Hillary elected president"... and we need that money to keep flowing in for the time being...

Watch the whole clip (around 4:30) to see Mook tongue-tied when trying to explain his way out of the Abedin emails...


1 comment:

  1. Not answering because the foundation is corrupt.


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