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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Clinton camp sends out desperate plea for more funds

Campaign manager Robby Mook has written a panicky pitch to Hillary Clinton supporters warning that fundraising numbers are dipping – even adding “that’s how elections are lost.”

“Our poll numbers are holding steady, which is good. We’re growing our field organization, building out neighborhood teams in communities all over the country — which is even better,” Mook wrote.

“But that’s happening at a time when our fundraising levels are, frankly, dipping.”

Mook appears to attribute lower fundraising numbers with overconfidence. “It seems that with our convention in the rearview mirror and pundits constantly saying that ‘momentum’ is on our side, a lot of people believe that we have this locked up and that donations don’t matter anymore.”

But, Mook warns, Donald Trump can still win the election.



  1. That's hilarious! Nobody wants Hillary anymore. She's nuclear radiation flaming burning caustic do not touch. Trump is so ahead in real polls by a landslide! The sheep are following the MSM Pravda mealy paste "polls".

    Anybody with any sense sees one Hillary sticker to 300 Trump signs in any neighborhood!

    These people will paint any picture that might make them look relevant...

  2. More funds??! Right. I'll get right on that.

  3. Yeah, she doesn't have enough to piss away ...on vacay homes for losers...for example bernie Sanders.


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