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Sunday, August 28, 2016

Civilian Response to an Active Shooter event Training in Salisbury Maryland.


  1. This is horse crap, best way to survive a active shooter....concealed carry!

  2. There is a 1 in 159 million chance of being involved in an "active shooter" situation according to crime statistics published by the US Dept of Justice. It is a case of falsely perceived risk versus real risk. People react with emotion rather than to the facts. News coverage would have you believe that these events are common. They are not. Your child is more likely to die in a school bus accident than they to be shot & killed at school.

  3. It is a how to hide and hope you don't get killed drill! I'd rather take the shooter out and don't care about a carry permit. My 12 gauge with pistol grip and 18" barrel needs no permit to be in my vehicle, home or business.

  4. Why don't you guys actively solve some crime. Instead you waste tax dollars on teaching something that is as likely to occur as hitting the power ball.

  5. They are playing the slow game. You know the deal, but will your children after 18 years of constant MSM demonization of guns and the safe loving arms of the Federal Government.

  6. Wow, since it's impossible to conceal carry in Maryland, why not, you never know.

  7. MORE BS from the Gestapo to condition the serfs that ONLY the police can really protect you --- just hide and be as quiet as possible until they come to save you. Be afraid. Like they are all the time.

    Start shooting at kids in a mall when I'm around?
    You're taking six rounds and you can tell the police (when they arrive 20 minutes later) to go back to the radar units. Clean-up on aisle 9.....
    You don't need to ask if it's okay TO DEFEND YOURSELF with some pretentious, puffed up, SS commander with no understanding of history or the Constitution. Especially someone who commands a bunch of people who need 16 rounds to POSSIBLY hit someone once or twice, and further, are just as likely to show up and shoot YOU (i.e., the Florida club where the police just opened up on everyone running out of the building). Being afraid all the time of everything that moves tends to make one a bit trigger happy.
    Keep cheering.


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