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Monday, August 15, 2016

Christopher Barry, son of former D.C. Mayor Marion Barry, dies at 36 of apparent overdose

WASHINGTON (ABC7) — Marion Christopher Barry, 36, son of the late DC mayor Marion Barry, was pronounced dead early this morning at George Washington University Hospital. According to information gathered by Dave Wilmot, a long time Barry family friend, Christopher Barry and friends were at an apartment in the Wellington Park complex of SE drinking alcohol and using the drug K2 when Barry collapsed and they could not revive him. They called 911 and Barry was rushed to the hospital.

Christopher had a troubled life, a number of arrests in recent years revolving around drug and alcohol use or driving without a permit. After his father's death in November 2014, he ran in the Democratic primary for his father's Ward 8 council seat, but placed sixth among candidates running. Shortly before the election, he was charged with throwing a trash can and destroying a security camera at the PNC Bank in Chinatown after a teller refused to allow him to make a substantial withdrawal to pay employees of his demolition company.



  1. Like Father, like Son.

  2. 6:58 , I was thinking the same , 2 down and many more to go .

  3. Remember dad's quote, "The bitch set me up."

  4. A chip off the ol' crack rock

  5. You play you pay.

  6. K2.
    Street hustler cheapo high, and you can never know what's in it.
    The autopsy's chemical assay results should be interesting.

  7. Just like his Dad a Loser.

  8. His last words were, "My dad set me up."

  9. Wow. Didn't see that coming at ALL.
    His family must really be grieving. Mainly because there ain't nobody to sue.

  10. He knew too much - another democrat casualty.

  11. I'm amazed at how little respect you idiots have for the deceased. You're quick to criticize and degrade but I guarantee everyone one of you are addicts of some sort. Most of you to alcohol, cigarettes, porn etc. but you stay hidden in the closet.


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