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Sunday, August 14, 2016

Chicago's bloodiest day in more than a DECADE

Nine people - including young boy shot in back as he played with his twin sister - as crime runs roughshod over Windy City

he bloodletting in Chicago continues apace as the Windy City endures one of the worst crime waves in its history.

On Monday alone, nine people were fatally shot and 10 others were wounded in a spree of gun violence that was the city's worst single-day tally since July 5, 2003, when 10 people were killed.

Tavon Tanner was a 10-year-old boy who was innocently playing with his twin sister in front of their home in the Lawndale section of Chicago.

According to the Chicago Tribune, an unidentified gunman fired at least nine shots in Tavon's direction, hitting him in the back.



  1. Such a tragedy, and an outrage, all those innocent young black boys being murdered in cold blood, shot in the back while playing near the street, by racist white cops out to lynch helpless blacks.

    Oh wait. It was a black male with an illegal firearm.

    Wonder who thru called when it happened? Yep, the "racist white cops" and EMT's to try to save his little black life (which matters to them as much anyone else's). And to bring the perpetrator to true justice.

    Which, ironically, means putting yet another "poor black male" in prison. Justice is funny line that...and you can't have it both ways.

  2. What the hell is wrong with this culture , don't they have any morals or ethics ? They don't appreciate life or have any respect for it. May God help them , he is the only one who can. Thanks for all your help Mr. president obama ! God will over-power you satan obama!!

  3. In a totally gun free zone, guns are illegal in Chicago we have no black life matters protesters no, Jesse Jackson, no Al Sharpton screaming from the rooftops about the death and Carnage at the hands of blacks
    Fact: The Republican Party was founded primarily to oppose slavery, and Republicans eventually abolished slavery. The Democratic Party fought them and tried to maintain and expand slavery.

  4. see what gun restriction does?

  5. what about milwaukee?

  6. And in Milwaukie Wis.: https://youtu.be/bYDHa31HiaQ

  7. Stay out of gun free zones like Chicago! Either that, or allow open and concealed carry immediately!

  8. August 14, 2016 at 5:33 AM

    Isn't it just a tad too early for your BS?

  9. don't worry Hillary will get this straightened out


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