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Sunday, August 14, 2016

BREAKING: Hillary May End Up In Jail After All – All Thanks To Trey Gowdy

Trey Gowdy’s exchange with FBI Director James Comey about his get out jail free pass to Hillary Clinton is one for the record books. In one fell swoop, Gowdy exposed both Comey and Hillary. And it appears Gowdy has bigger judicial plans for Crooked Hillary.

Gowdy appeared to be setting Hillary Clinton up for perjury charges. Corrupt Hillary previously testified about her emails to the House Benghazi Committee. Specifically Hillary said under oath that she had not sent or received classified documents on her personal email server.

Under cross examination from Trey Gowdy, Comey admitted that Hillary lied. Since she was under oath, this sets her up for being charged with perjury.

Boom! That is why Trey Gowdy is such an important member of the House of Representatives! He set the plate to charge Hillary with perjury.



  1. Boom, nothing will happen to her, and Trey best watch out becasue he may be next on the hit list and make what number 67 or 68 dead people who talked out about Hillary???

  2. He better do it BEFORE she gets elected, otherwise Obammie has plans to stay in office another 4 years, if she gets elected and can not fulfill her duties

  3. you people still act as if there is a country worth saving. There isn't. American are fat, lazy, uneducated and deserve whatever hell Hillary delivers. I look forward to watching the evil unleashed.

  4. Please, please, please, let this be true.

  5. Trey Gowdy did an excellent job! Heroic!

  6. Ain't gonna happen. Trump must want Hilary to win because every time he opens his mouth, he shoots himself in the foot. His own party is going to vote for her. Be you republicans or democrats, you know this is the truth. His base of support is dwindling every day.

  7. I'm going to hold my breath.

  8. Gowdy isn't a law enforcer and those that are have already been bought by the Clintons. Without Trump, the DOJ house will never be cleaned.

  9. I disagree with 12:37, who sounds like a Democratic party plant. Trump's popularity is increasing, not decreasing. Hillary is the one on the slippery footing, both literally and figuratively.

  10. If I lived next door to Gowdy, I would be buying some bullet proof glass windows. You never know about stray bullets. Just sayin'

  11. I think Hillary will be fine either way...if she loses Obama will pardon her before he leaves office and if she wins she can pardon herself!

  12. Dave T: Great, no problem with Gowdy. But, what is the hold up? Anyone else would be in jail right now! I'll believe it all when I see it. My bull shit filter is full from all this conjecture. Actions speak louder than words.

  13. While reading the article I thought to myself, "What unprofessional reporting/writing from ABC. It sounds like a (childish) opinion piece." So I looked for an About page and couldn't find one... It certainly looks like a legit website doesn't it? Well after a short visit with Mr Google I learned there's a difference between abcnews.go.com and abcnewsgo.co (where Trey Gowdy goes BOOM!) even though they're using the same graphics. The real ABC news is a little more professional. It's difficult enough to wade through all the BS in the legitimate news channels.

  14. Really tired of hearing people say things will never change. They change when YOU MAKE THEM CHANGE by VOTING! You get the government you vote for. You need to get yourself off the couch along with every legal, of age voter you know and get your kesters to the polls. Vote! If we all vote, then there's a better chance because there is more of us than THEM!

  15. 1:51
    I guess we all need to remind you:

    We will be voting on computers.

    Nothing will change. Sorry.

  16. What is a democratic "plant"? Who planted me? That kind of stupidity is why Hillary will be the next President. You all do it to yourselves. It's like the republicans are their own worst enemy, not the democrats.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Obama Crooked BastardoAugust 12, 2016 at 3:02 PM

    Well that is long time overdue. She needs to be charged and stand trial. But nobody has the b***s to do it. Not even the FBI Director.

  19. Just love me some Trey Gowdy.

  20. Anonymous said...
    While reading the article I thought to myself, "What unprofessional reporting/writing from ABC. It sounds like a (childish) opinion piece." So I looked for an About page and couldn't find one... It certainly looks like a legit website doesn't it? Well after a short visit with Mr Google I learned there's a difference between abcnews.go.com and abcnewsgo.co (where Trey Gowdy goes BOOM!) even though they're using the same graphics. The real ABC news is a little more professional. It's difficult enough to wade through all the BS in the legitimate news channels.

    August 12, 2016 at 1:44 PM

    Thanks for your input. At first I thought you were being just cynical, but after following through with what you posted and doing a search myself, it seems you are correct. There are a few fake news sites out there and maybe ABCnewsgo is one of them.

    But then, can we really trust and rely on MSM? Regardless, maybe this is what is needed to get the ball rolling. I certainly hope so. In 2008 Obama said Killary was the worse candidate, in 2016 Obama says she is the most qualified since Jefferson, including more qualified than Bill or himself.

    Forgetting politics for a minute, given her (and Bill's) past, she should be nowhere near a position of power. Whatever Trump's misgivings may be, I would much rather go with him, an unknown in terms of power, than go with killary who has repeatedly shown her faults and likely criminal actions.

    If the American people vote Hillary Clinton into office, of if they use that computer program designed to rig elections in her favor, we are doomed and deserve the skullduggery she brings with her.

    Let's hope that is not the case.

  21. Who is not yet convinced that the whole voting event is a charade?

    Why are you participating in it? By doing so, you are legitimizing it.

    STOP voting. It doesn't matter.
    Instead, seek out real solutions for you and your friends on an extremely local level.
    Check out from the broader society because it is literally doomed to collapse.
    It has rotten leadership. Evil leadership.

    Who is not yet convinced that the whole voting event is a charade?

  22. What I want to know is why law enforcement including the local sheriff where Hillary Clinton lives has not arrested her yet. they swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and laws of this country!! and they are failing miserably!!!something is rotten in Denmark!if this was anyone else she would have been arrested years ago!! arrest her now!

  23. Just do it & quit talking about doing it!

  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Just do it & quit talking about doing it!

    August 13, 2016 at 6:36 AM

    Just do what?

  25. Nothing will happen and she might just be the next commander and chief and Bill could be getting another 4 years in his party house. Crazy world


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