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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Bill Cosby Loses Another Round In His Legal Battles

Comedian Bill Cosby's attempt to have his deposition testimony about alleged sexual assaults resealed was rejected by a federal appeals court, which decided that the issue is moot because the details have already been published.

The 3rd U.S. Court of Appeals in Philadelphia ruled:

"Re-sealing the documents would not provide Cosby with any meaningful relief, and thus this appeal is moot. ... The contents of the documents are a matter of public knowledge, and we cannot pretend that we could change that fact by ordering them re-sealed."

As NPR's Jeff Brady reports, the deposition became public last summer after a request from The Associated Press to unseal testimony Cosby gave in 2005 in a lawsuit brought against him by Andrea Costand. She was a Temple University employee who claimed that he drugged and assaulted her in his home in 2004.

Cosby has insisted that their sexual relations were consensual. Cosby settled with Costand for an undisclosed sum.



  1. Well, the court could order everybody to forget and erase all copies, couldn't it?

  2. Cosby is still relevant and isn't dead already?

    Sorry I just didn't know and now that I do know, DON'T CARE!!!

  3. Cosby is a criminal.
    He is relevant until he is behind bars.


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