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Monday, August 01, 2016

An 'After School Satan Club' could be coming to your kid’s elementary school

SALEM, Mass. — It’s a hot summer night, and leaders of the Satanic Temple have gathered in the crimson-walled living room of a Victorian manse in this city renowned for its witch trials in the 17th century. They’re watching a sepia-toned video, in which children dance around a maypole, a spider crawls across a clown’s face and eerie, ambient chanting gives way to a backwards, demonic voice-over. The group chuckles with approval.

They’re here plotting to bring their wisdom to the nation’s public elementary school children. They point out that Christian evangelical groups already have infiltrated the lives of America’s children through after-school religious programming in public schools, and they appear determined to give young students a choice: Jesus or Satan.

“It’s critical that children understand that there are multiple perspectives on all issues, and that they have a choice in how they think,” said Doug Mesner, the Satanic Temple’s co-founder, who goes by the professional name of Lucien Greaves.

On Monday, the group plans to introduce its After School Satan Club to public elementary schools, including one in Prince George’s County, petitioning school officials to allow them to open immediately as the academic year starts. Chapter heads from New York, Boston, Utah and Arizona were in Salem on July 10 talking strategy, with others from Minneapolis, Detroit, San Jose, New Orleans, Pittsburgh and Florida participating online.



  1. Well I guess this is what we get when a privileged group (I'm looking at you Christians) can't figure out why the founders made this a secular country and insist on perverting the establishment clause.

    Who's fault is this? Those who won't uphold the law.

  2. This is just the "Hillary for President" group.

  3. I wouldn't necessarily panic over this. School divisions/school administrators have great leeway to decide what could be potentially disruptive with regard to the school climate and what the community will tolerate. Frankly, I can't see any allowing this to occur as the backlash would be more than they could attend to.


  4. How are Christians a privileged group ?

  5. well isn't this special. can you imagine this happening from our founding to, say the 1950's. so sad our nation is in decline. I do believe God can bring us back from the 'brink' if we pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 from our heart...


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