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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

All of Ryan Lochte's sponsors have dropped him

Speedo announced Monday that it will no longer sponsor Ryan Lochte. Soon after, Ralph Lauren followed suit, saying it wouldn't renew its sponsorship of the Olympic swimmer. By Monday afternoon, Lochte lost all of his sponsors.

Lochte admitted on Saturday that he "overexaggerated" a story about being robbed at gunpoint at a gas station in Rio during the Olympics. There were conflicting reports about the incident with some accusing Lochte and three of his teammates of vandalism.

Lochte released a statement last week apologizing for what he had done.



  1. I don't think he should expect any less. I guess he'll have to go out and get a job like everyone else.

  2. He could volunteer as a rescue swimmer in Louisiana!

  3. Lochte ruined the Olympics for a lot of people and put a stain on the US. What an entitled a-- he is.

  4. Reporting fake crime and playing the victim? I think this is the current trend.

  5. Actually, he could get in politics......politicians lie all the time and we still keep electing them to run our state and country. This bimbo would do well....!!!!!

  6. Wow,you all are wrong as usual,as are the companies that dropped him.They were held at gunpoint & robbed.I hope none of you actually vote,because you can't see any farther than your noses.

  7. 2:13 PM, as a matter a fact I do vote. Not really wrong, when you lie, you lie, as he stated he did. Why shouldn't all endorsements be dropped? You tell us. Lies are ok with you??

  8. I tell that lie.. You tell that lie. No problem there.
    But when a guy on the world stage - representing 350 million Americans basically - tells that little lie, there's a BIG problem. Especially when it causes another country - the host country - embarrassment.
    That's a big deal.
    Drunk or sober, he should've known better.
    He embarrassed not just himself, but an entire country.
    (Just as I would embarrass myself and an entire beach if I wore one of those banana-hammock Speedos on a public beach, I might add.)

  9. I think he dishonor all the athletes that competed fairly and honestly. He dishonored the spirit of the games, and he dishonored Americans in general. He is not a child. I thought I read somewhere that he is approximately thirty years old. To me, that is certainly old enough to know right from wrong and to act like a mature adult which he so very clearly proved he is not.

    I'm certain some will disagree with me and that is your right but I feel like he should lose all endorsements, and really the committee should consider removing his medal as punishment.

    Today's youth need role models that actually have integrity and are honest not some drunks, dopers, and liars, and cheats to pattern their lives after.

  10. To 2:13 PM:
    Before my current comment, there were ten comments including yours. Of those ten people that commented, you are the only person stupid enough to believe what you are saying. Please remain in LaLa Land.


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