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Sunday, August 14, 2016

A Viewer Writes: $500 dollar fine for the death of 48 yr old Mr. Scott Tatterson of Pocomoke

In Worcester County 8/10/16 Mr. Marion Marine Jones was given only a $500 dollar fine for the death of 48 yr old Mr. Scott Tatterson of Pocomoke. 

As you may recall on Feb 22 2016 Mr. Jones loss control of his car in Worcester County striking Tatterson and 23 yr old Wade Pusey who worked for Worcester County Public Works Roads Division. 

Mr. Pusey is also still recovering from his injuries and will probably not be able to work again. Mr. Jones, the driver was indicted for manslaughter in April. Judge Esham decided yesterday to fine Jones $500.

I find this to be very sad for these families, just feeling outraged!


  1. Something to be said about this!! I'm still stewing about how Taylor Morrison got away with vehicular manslaughter when he, as he had proven just prior with a DUI conviction, was driving wrecklessly and charged with minor traffic violations when he pulled into the path of a young lady on her motorcycle killing her

  2. "the driver swerved to avoid an oncoming vehicle and hit the two employees"

    He wasn't drunk, there is nothing implied that he was speeding and it sounds like Public Works was more at fault than anything for not having the work site under control.

  3. What about Pocomoke mayors kid that pulled out in front of lady on her motorcycle killing her only to be charged with minor traffic violations crying about seizures, this after a DUI conviction, only now to be boasting bragging about being blessed to be able to open a coffee shop in Pocomoke. What about the lady you killed ???

  4. More corruption in the courts thanks to the liberal politicians and affirmative action.

  5. Why does the State need any money at all?

    The man should be paying the victim's family, not the State.

  6. 12:08, your full of $hit. Who can't see a dump truck with flashing lights in the road. It is a mobile operation. No signs needed.... Look up the drivers record. Stfu

  7. Anonymous said...
    Something to be said about this!! I'm still stewing about how Taylor Morrison got away with vehicular manslaughter when he, as he had proven just prior with a DUI conviction, was driving wrecklessly and charged with minor traffic violations when he pulled into the path of a young lady on her motorcycle killing her

    August 11, 2016 at 11:55 AM

    Maybe his Democrat Mayor of Pocomoke father had some pull in the Governors office with this since O'Malley was still in office.

  8. Anonymous said...
    "the driver swerved to avoid an oncoming vehicle and hit the two employees"

    He wasn't drunk, there is nothing implied that he was speeding and it sounds like Public Works was more at fault than anything for not having the work site under control.

    August 11, 2016 at 12:08 PM

    But he WAS trying to pass in a work zone.

  9. 12:08 I think the better choice would of been to hit the oncoming car instead of running over two men. Get your facts right, the police report did not say that the employee's were at fault, the driver was charged. Shame on you for saying that!

  10. She must be a relative of Judge or someone connected if that were me I would still be in jail. Sorry ass world we live in

  11. This kind of thing happened to a family in Crisfield. A 15 yr old girl was killed in an accident on 413 that was caused by a man speeding in a commercial sized box truck who already had a less than stellar driving record.The girls mother was very seriously injured and disabled from the accident as well.The negligent driver who caused the fatal accident basically got off easy,only paying traffic tickets,because we have a States Attorney that hates going to trial.Recently,a twice convicted drug dealer in Somerset County who has fled before got away with his role in an armed robbery visa vi stet docket.There is no justice here,like most of the shore.

  12. Why was there any fine at all?

  13. Hey Taylor Morrison you're a piece of work!! How do you actually go on with all the social media garbage about how great life is after what you did

  14. This is the new "Clinton" justice system, the guilty and connected get off!

  15. Regardless, Mr. Jones will be sued into oblivion before all the dust settles, as he should. That he was given a fine, is proof of his negligence, and that is all that is necessary in a civil trial.

  16. What does Taylor Morrison have anything to do with this? I am sure he is just full of joy about what happened....nothing he says or does will bring the lady back. Should he just be depressed every day for the rest of his life? Give him a break, I am sure he is extremely sorry about what happened. I see mentions of a prior DUI, I am sorry was he arrested for DUI during that accident? No, he was not. It has nothing to do with what happened.


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