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Monday, August 08, 2016

A Big Damn Difference

A reader – a Libertarian friend – chastises me for supporting Trump over Hillary; for supporting any candidate who isn’t a principled Libertarian. I thought some of you might be interested in a principled Libertarian’s thoughts on this business:

Dear X –

Here’s a stark difference to consider: Hillary is a murderer. A mass murderer. By proxy, yes – but a murderer, nonetheless. Eager to have people killed. Arguably, more guilty of murder than Julius Streicher – who washanged for merely inciting murderous hatred. Hillary has ordered people killed. Has literallyreveled in the murder-by-sodomy of Quaddafi, which she helped to orchestrate.

She is an obvious psychopath. Worse than The Chimp, even. And The Chimp was pretty got-damned awful.

Trump is arrogant, a blowhard. He may be a dick. But he hasn’t killed anyone that I am aware of, either himself or by proxy.

He doesn’t seem eager to get the US involved in more wars. Hillary does.

If she is elected, more people will die – a certainty.



  1. No matter who we support this is disgusting. This person is a psychopath who is willing to lead the unknowing down a path to destruction.

  2. War will be had by all.
    It is a fact of the economy.

  3. Folks! These are NOT the only two options we have!!! I think you'll find that if you look at Gary Johnson, he is more in line with your political views than any other candidate. Don't buy the two party system, it's part of the problem!


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