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Saturday, August 20, 2016

22 Push-Up Challenge Puts Some Muscle In Vet Suicide Prevention

The 22 Push-Up Challenge, started to bring attention to a statistic that 22 military veterans commit suicide every day, on average, has gone viral. Naturally, wherever there's publicity there are celebrities, and some are now doing push-ups.

The movement was kicked off by Honor Courage Commitment – an organization that supports veterans through education, mentorship, and community service – in response to the statistic that came from the 2012 Suicide Data Report by U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs.

"Every pushup counts so don't be shy to show your support for our veterans," said a website dedicated to the 22 Push-Up Challenge. "You can do as many or few pushups as you can or choose. Whether it's 1 or 100 in a row, we will accept them however they come. They can be assisted (on your knees), incline (on a desk/wall), or if you physically are unable to do any, we'll even take air pushups."

Much like the Ice Bucket Challenge that went viral in 2014 and raised millions for the ALS Association, participants challenge a handful of others to do the push-ups afterwards, noted Fox News.

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