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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

10,000th Muslim Refugee Arrived Today.

 Tonight’s DML DAILY REPORT is the best way to show how the Obama Administration has fundamentally transformed the United States. If Hillary Clinton wins she wants to not only increase the amount of Syrian refugees by 500%, but to increase overall immigration from the Middle East. You must watch this report


  1. WHY? What is the purpose. I / We cannot afford higher taxes to pay for these people. The US is short on jobs now. And thru another article, we cannot afford 16 Million in fraud of food stamps,
    These people alone will need $500.00 a month in food stamps.
    Multiple that by 10K. That is 5 Million a month. Where is the money coming from Obama?

  2. If Trump doesn't win we are SCREWED.

  3. And Obama will brag that we have 10,000 new Obama care enrollees.

  4. For you like 3:36 PM want to know why this is happening, I will certainly tell you why...

    Here is why (in a nutshell): What is the best way to bring down a country that was or is great? By not making it great anymore... Now how do you suppose we do that? Well you do exactly what is goign on now... You turn everyone against themselves, you bash and hurt and target the veterans and military who have pride and patriotism, something that has been lost after WWII... You take god out of everything, and replace it with stuff that goes against go, like transgender-ism or condemning any religion other than a muslim religion and worshiping the devil... You make their economy trash by wastefully spending every dime in sight only to raise taxes on people and still have shortfalls... You raise taxes and write legislation to make people poorer and poorer so they have to depend on the govt so that way the govt has control over you, you want to live you do as they say or starve... Look at how the govt goes after people who prep and stock pile and those who want to live off the grid... Then you bring on the police state, to abuse, attack, harass anything moving, to cause revenue generation, and to make people made so it is a you verse them attitude... You take what was not corrupt and corrupt it absolute and turn your back on people you are meant to help... You bring in refugees who you know will help vote for you to get elected, such as Hillary and because they have their own faith and rules and ways of life, what better way to take ours away and replace it with theirs... They know these people will not assimilate and will want their old way of life but here in our country, just like the Mexicans... These refugees will stand up and fight for their rights and way of live, something the american people have yet to understand or learn... But if you pay them, then they will come and protest like the BLM movement...

    Also lets not forget when obama was running for president or may have been for a short time president, he said he wanted a national civilian police force equal to or greater than that of our current military, in which he would have full control... Then you have all of these orders being passed wile you party and sleep and are not paying attention... I find it funny how you people think it is far fetched to think that the govt has weapons that involve the weather... How can a storm travel for hundreds of miles in a near straight line and then do a 90 degree turn on a dime?? That is impossible... After seeing the radar and hearing how the govt has tried to modify the weather back in the 30's, coupled with the executive orders for natural disasters, I don;t think it is far fetched... I think they could use it not only to kill and hurt people but to destroy our country and blame the economy implosion on weather so they are not to blame, becasue after all you people have a memory of a gold fish... 3 minutes and back to square one...

    Just to prove my point some more, look at that storm that hit japan, look at the news regarding japan and what they did or said and then when the storm hit, look at how the storm traveled between the main land and the island and then did a 180 back up the coast of japan and then turned left to hit the main land again... That is impossible with out someone tampering with the weather...

  5. You stated how, but why? Why would anyone want to screw up our great nation?

  6. 455
    I like everything you wrote except for your high opinion of the military and those who have been suckered into volunteering to murder people for corporate gains.

    "Your flag decal won't get you into heaven anymore, its already over-flowin' from your dirty little wars."

    John Prine

  7. 6:35 - The One World Government Takeover by the Elitists (which will bring the [evil] anti-Christ to power over the entire world, "which will lead to Armageddon").

    Unless Donald Trump wins and can somehow turn things around (or at least slow them down) we're running out of time. That's just how important this election is!

  8. Hillary and Obama should be made to leave this country.


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