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Friday, July 01, 2016

You're Invited! Dedication of Banners Honoring our Veterans

Westside Historical Society
Invites you to join us for the
Dedication of Banners
Honoring our Veterans

  • Mardela Springs
  • July 4th, 2016
  • 11:00 am

On the grounds of the Adkins Historical Museum & Complex
Brattan Street & Railroad Ave.
Refreshments will be served.

Parking on streets & nearby parking lots

A limited number of chairs will be reserved for family members or sponsoring friends, but feel free to bring lawn chairs.


We hope you will join us on the Fourth of July in Mardela Springs, at 11:00 as Westside Historical Society Dedicates the Banners Honoring our Veterans! We will be holding the festivities on the grounds of the Adkins Historical Museum & Complex; enter from Brattan Street. Parking will be available on side streets and nearby parking lots.
Remarks will be made by Maj. Gen. Anthony Sarbanes, Retired, and Mardela High School students will be playing the National Anthem. Refreshments will be served, and the Adkins folks will be selling all sorts of great food afterward.

For those folks who ordered banners and who have not yet received the small banners, they will be distributed at this Dedication Program.

Some chairs will be reserved for sponsoring families and friends, but feel to free to bring lawn chairs as well.

If you could let us know if you will be coming and will need reserved chairs we will save 2 seats for you -- but since we have a limited number, we cannot reserve more than two.

We hope to see you on the Fourth of July!!!

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