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Saturday, July 23, 2016

Wikileaks DNC email showing Chuck Todd meet the press getting marching orders by Wasserman


  1. Debbie won't step down. She'll have to be pushed.

  2. Also "Members of the Democratic National Committee received approval to create a fake Craigslist ad in an attempt to mock political rival Donald Trump, leaked emails show." See infowars.com

  3. Chuck Todd should get out of the news business. He's NOT to be trusted by anyone. Shame on him...

  4. We have known for a good while that the Main Stream Media are nothing more than paid dumbocrat shills! Glad that someone blew the whistle on them.

  5. MSNBC cut away from almost every speaker who was a minority during the RNC the other night.Did anyone notice that? Making it seem that it was all white guys. They even (Maddow) cut away from Thiel the gay guy who was giving a historic speech (agree or not) when have you ever seen them cut away from a gay person making a first ? They denied their own to advance their agenda in the most blatant way I ever have seen. Be careful less you become what you hate.

  6. Well I am impressed that someone from the left wing media told her she should step down.

    If they(the media) could put so much pressure on her that she would have to step down. It happens all the time.

  7. The media's marching orders come from the owners.
    They use the intelligence agencies as sources.

  8. Go learn the truth about the DEm party and Hillary ... Hillary's America is a great movie.

  9. What bothers me MORE is the number of people that will vote for Killary. We have bigger issues to face.


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