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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Why Hillary Is Nervous: "More Leaks May Be Coming"

Over the weekend, Wikileaks posted a treasure trove of emails from various members of the Democrat party which has laid ruin to any hope for civility at the DNC's convention in Philadelphia. That said, Hillary's campaign seems to be even more concerned about what may be leaked next.

Jennifer Palmieri, Hillary's communication director, recently told reporters:

“The WikiLeaks leak was obviously designed to hurt our convention, I don’t think they’re done. That’s how they operate. We can’t know, but it’s part of the reason that we wanted people to understand our belief that the Russians are behind this. People need to understand — when these leaks happen — what they’re designed to do.”

Palmieri added that the Clinton campaign was not worried about it's own email security...which we're sure the American people will find very reassuring in the wake of that pesky little FBI investigation in which we learned just how secure Hillary's email account was.

Palmieri’s comments come as Democrats prepare to officially nominate Clinton for president, making her the first woman to be nominated for president by one of the two major political parties. Judging by yesterday's intraparty strife, one can only imagine how raucous today's roll-call will be.

Call us crazy, but the campaign seems to be spending way too much time spinning a narrative about Russian involvement, even going so far as to call on Hillary's friends at the FBI to look into the issue, for this scandal to fade quietly into the night. Something tells us that Jennifer knows more than she's letting on and that we'll get to review some more leaked emails soon.



  1. Maybe Karma is real!

  2. Scaremongering by scaremongers.
    What's in those emails is what's important, and that's the fact that the DNC is corrupt and guilty of manipulating its own convention for Hillary's benefit.
    It's all shameful, and it's all Democratic Party, starting at the top.

  3. Wonder if they could even the score and give us Trump's tax returns?

  4. I wonder what gems might be found in the RNC emails if they were hacked?

  5. the leaks are designed to bring out the truth that Hillary keeps trying to hid and lie about.

  6. I doubt there's as incriminating evidence in Trump's tax returns or "gems" in RNC emails compared to what has already been revealed about the Clintons. The just-as-corrupt mainstream media simply doesn't report it.

  7. I think many people have realized that out government has been corrupt for many many years and continually grows worse. 1:59pm....I like many would be grateful for ALL the corrupt to be exposed....it makes NO difference what the call themselves. The trouble is those that blindly and now will even faithfully support those being exposed of corruption.
    It the corrupt and criminal politicians and their supporters that are destroying this Country...where do you place yourself 1:59pm?

  8. Seems funny that the Dems are trying to change the rhetoric. It's not a matter of where the info came from, it's a matter of weather it is true. Are they upset because the e-mails show them to be the racist bigots I already knew they were!

  9. Maybe Wiki-Leaks has the missing e-mails before, during and after the Benghazi attack.

  10. 3:42 weather it is true Keep showing us how bright you are.

  11. "People need to understand.....what they're designed to do.".

    Don't worry about any truth that might be revealed. Focus the subject on ANYTHING (bad bad russians, evil hackers threatening our national security (!!), and republicans LYING about what has already been proven (!??) other than the damaging facts and evidence that is soon to be released. .
    It's their INTENT that we must focus on! The nasty evidence of betrayal and double dealing, perhaps even criminal actions (alluded to by WikiLeaks....) doesn't really matter.
    Even when the TRUTH slaps them across the face, liberals find SOME WAY to avoid facing the facts. It's worse than arguing with a child whom you caught red-handed eating the cookies, but denies it to the end.
    I wanted to puke when obama talked about hillary's "integrity" and her "judgment"....maybe he should have listened to his own FBI director, who eviserated her integrity and judgment on national TV.

  12. Popcorn ready for the rest of the story!! Benghazi? Haiti? Bernie? Clinton Foundation? Emails to Yoko or other female lovers? Can't wait! Wiki leaks is a blessing!


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