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Friday, July 01, 2016

Where do you stand on deportation?


  1. Lousy metaphor.

    "Illegals" are human beings, guns are inanimate objects.

  2. don't let them in in the 1st place, you won't have to worry about kicking them out later.

  3. 7:59 haven't you caught on now, this blog is full of logic defying metaphors. But what will get you more yee haws then a metaphor involving guns and immigrants


  4. 7:59
    What does "illegal" mean to you?
    I am legal, my weapon is legal, and my plan is to keep my protection due to "illegals" while I hold up in America.
    Keep weapons and deport "illegals"

  5. Guns are not the problem. Just like a bat, knife or scissors.
    They all can kill in the hands of the wrong people.

  6. Keep the guns and try Illegal Immigrant Control. Get rid of them and problem solved.


  7. 7:59 has missed the boat.

    We have crime and will continue to have amateur and professional criminals who are citizens; ongoing problem to identify, reduce, rectify.

    But we also have an increasing problem with illegal aliens. First and foremost, if they arrive illegally or overstay, they are violating our laws even if they never jaywalk.

    Within the larger group of illegal aliens is a subset who actively engage in criminal behavior; if they were not here we'd have less of their type of crime. Also we have those driving, on the dole, voting, etc. Look at the accident reports and see how frequently unlicensed, untrained, uninsured illegals cause harm.

    We have an immigration process and I support it. You have a right to invite people to your home; they do not have the right to drop by, move in and empty your refrigerator. Our country is our home and we have the right to invite visitors and settlers who we're comfortable with.

    Clearer now?

  8. Someone on this comment board doesn't understand what illegal means.


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