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Friday, July 29, 2016

What's Happening? 7-29-16

This will be an open thread for today. Tell us what is happening in this area. The good the bad and the ugly. Did someone do something nice for you? Let us know!! Did something upset you? Let us know! Have a good joke to tell? We want to hear it! Have a question you want to ask? This is your chance to get it off your chest.


  1. Today is the start of the 27th annual OC Greek Festival, at the OC Convention Center. Great eats!

  2. Delmarva Big Band doing free concert on steps of Holloway Hall at S.U. Friday night at 7 pm. Bring a lawn chair.

  3. With all the racial tension going on in this country I would like to share a story. Last weekend a couple of friends and their kids went camping at a local State Park. They were having trouble setting up their tent and the neighboring campers helped them. Later my husband and I went to visit. We found out from the park ranger the tents were not in the proper place. We had to move them again the neighbors came to help. They were black with a Jamaican accent. We all got our heads together and moved the tents with out dissembling them. While this was happing I was thinking this is awesome there is no tension here what is wrong with some people we all just need to stop blaming each other and work together. Thank you again to the family that helped others should learn from you.

  4. Well, the mayor and city council of Ocean City have won. Nobody's going to do a things about the events of last weekend. Everybody wants to be friends with the mayor (small town - I'm important - I know the mayor) and/or no locals go downtown after dark, much less after ten pm. Everyone seems to accept that the thugs have taken over, and that the tourists whom prior OC governments courted are taken for granted now. That, coupled with OC's desire to keep crime down by telling the police to do almost anything to avoid an arrest (unless, of course, it's for drunk driving), will spell economic disaster for OC in the future.


  5. Maybe they should have had a Soul Feast and keep them on North End. They sure weren't downtown for french fries. Close the bridge and open it if they prove to be domesticated.

  6. Mr. Albero , I've been hearing rumors of a revolution in the country , and it doesn't matter who wins , if Trump wins the blacks will have a good excuse , if hillary wins the whites will have a good excuse.

  7. Any clue as to why Parkside needs that sign tower? How much did that thing cost?


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