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Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Was TWA Flight 800’s fiery crash part of a massive cover-up?

On Wednesday, July 17, 1996, at 8:19 p.m., TWA Flight 800 took off from JFK airport and headed out over Long Island toward Paris. It was a perfect summer night, 70 degrees, the sky clear.

Twelve minutes later, TWA 800 exploded mid-air, killing all 230 people on board. The crash was close enough to the coast that plane wreckage washed up on Suffolk County beaches for weeks.

“There was a wall of flame 30 feet high,” Suffolk County police officer Vincent Termine, who witnessed the explosion, told the Independent in 1997. He said it looked like the ocean was on fire.



  1. Well if you think about it that's when the first terrorist act bill was signed. After the never let a crisis go to waste, knee-jerk reaction to that crash. Which turned out to be a bunch of crap anyway. You do realize the globalists do not care who they kill or how many in order to justify a global destiny. The goal of an evil empire not built in Gods name

  2. Are we sure Hillary didn't have something to do with it?

  3. I had a friend from high school on that plane. I wish they would just let it go. Let those that died rest in peace, especially their families who were left behind.

  4. It is my understanding that bears really do crap in the woods.

    Like that better?


  5. Yes, this was a cover-up...and most who followed this story from the beginning know it was a cover-up. If you still trust the government, you're a fool on all levels.

  6. Does anyone remember the flight that crashed with the mid-eastern co-pilot who shouted God is Great in Arabic before the plane crashed? The cause of the crash was never determined. I do not remember the flight number or year, but this would have been one of the earliest acts of terror against US citizens and happened before 9-11.

  7. Why is this even...oh I see, 20 year anniversary. If it bleeds it leads...

    Ever forward!


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