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Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Trump: 'Rivals Shouldn't Be Allowed To Run'

Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump told Maine supporters Thursday that “rivals” who failed to endorse him for president shouldn’t be allowed to run in any future election.

It was a rough campaign, and I wasn’t nice, but they weren’t nice either,” Trump told supporters Thursday. Trump said those who ran against him but still haven’t endorsed him were “really sore losers” who “only signed the pledge so I would do so as well.”



  1. Welcome to politics.

  2. If they signed the pledge, they should support the nominee. If they don't, then their word cannot be trusted. But that doesn't mean they shouldn't run in future elections.

  3. Whether or not I'm voting for him or if I like him, this is true. They should be barred from ANY association with any election. TRAITORS, doing exactly what we don't want.
    Let the people win for a change instead of promising to & not following through.

  4. 9:27:
    Oh but it does. They aren't for the people & their wishes. Proven LIARS, untrustworthy that they are!

  5. Trump will lose as planned all along.
    He will be rewarded nicely along with his children.


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