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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Top Dem: Quit Your Job and Kids for Hillary!

Because this election, and the culture of dependency, are both so important to Democrats, Senator Al Franken took to the stage last night and attempted to kill two birds with one stone. The former SNL star implored Democrats to quit their jobs and their kids. No, seriously. Have a listen(cut to the 40 second mark):

We know that Democrats think children are a burden, and that people who choose to have them, rather than abort them, are environmental terrorists, but this is ridiculous. It also might be genius. If Franken might have decided to continue his speech, we imagine he'd say something like:

"And when that kid is 15 and thinks you've abandoned them permanently, they'll have a home on tumblr with all the other social justice warriors!"

God help us all. If we haven't said it enough. This IS the most important election of your lifetime. For the sake of all of America's children, born and unborn, please do everything in your power to make sure Crooked Hillary never sets foot in the White House again.


1 comment:

  1. How can there be some many Dumbocrats if they all believe in abortion? Shouldn't they basically be on the verge of extinction?


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