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Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Three Guns that Liberals Want to Ban

The AR-15, which stands for ArmaLite and not Assault Rifle, has been the new poster child for the supposed gun violence epidemic. It looks similar to its military cousin, the M16 family of rifles (including the current M4A1 Carbine), but is not an assault rifle because it does not have select-fire capabilities to fire in bursts or full auto. As such, Progressives want to "ban it" without thinking about what it would actually mean.

The ban was already tried between 1994 and 2004 and did not account for a drop in violence. Instead, it lead to the rifle taking ridiculous forms to conform to the cosmetic feature ban, like bayonet lugs, flash suppressor or pistol grip. Here are some picture of what the ban spawned, which did to make the weapon any less deadly:


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