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Thursday, July 21, 2016

This Is What Happens When Sharpton, Holder Get Served Race War Lawsuit

Black Lives Matter advocates have been served with a lawsuit accusing them of inciting a race war, but two high profile members tried to avoid becoming part of the action.

Civil rights activist Al Sharpton and former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder tried to thwart service for the complaint that accuses them of using anti-police rhetoric to incite violence as justification for ill treatment of blacks by law enforcement.

At the same time, BLM founder and co-defendant DeRay McKesson seemed to wear the lawsuit as a badge of honor, posing for a photograph with his process server as he was served at his Baltimore home. Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan received his document through a third party at his Michigan home and President Obama was served through the mail, which is standard protocol, documents show. Four other BLM leaders were in the process of being served today.



  1. I hope all of them charged too!

  2. There's a couple of pretty intelligent looking fellows right there!!

  3. They will have targets on their backs for the rest of their lives.

  4. Well DeRay lol love the name. There must be a crap load of Derays in Africa I mean Deray has to be a common name. Deray is in Baltimore sucking up a position that had multiple applicants way more qualified than he. Baltimore is a prime example of a city run by Democraps.

    Black Lives Matter is a domestic terrorist group. Ohbammy and company will get theirs in time. I just can not get how stupid some educated people are. Deray and I better never cross paths.

  5. What the hell kind of name is DeRay?

  6. Actually, this has already occurred. Also named in the civil suit in Dallas on 7/9 is Obama. It's a lawsuit citing race war was filed by former prosecutor, Larry Klayman.

    "A former federal prosecutor has sued President Obama, the founders of Black Lives Matter, Al Sharpton, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, and former US Attorney General Eric Holder for inciting a race war that led to the fatal Dallas police shootings.

    The federal class action lawsuit, filed Saturday in Dallas, accuses the defendants of aiding and abetting murder, terrorist promotion of gang activity and civil rights violations of law enforcement officers. It seeks damages of more than $2 billion."

    Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/07/11/fmr-prosecutor-sues-obama-al-sharpton-for-inciting-race-war/#ixzz4F3vfJW00

  7. Lmao. What do you all say about Mike Lewis then? He refuses to answer his subpoena! Let's wait an watch the hypocrisy!

  8. 1:29 PM - Like there's a choice?


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