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Sunday, July 17, 2016

The O Show

By Thornton Crowe

A pointed response to Mike Lewis's comments.

While I'm certainly no fan of Mike Lewis, a lot of what he says is true about Obama. It's pretty clear the Obama administration and Democrats are radicalize and trafficking hate in America - not just towards law enforcement but our society in general.

In his blind hatred, he and the whole Democrat party elites have vilified Trump for daring to love our country along with demonizing organizations like the Tea Party whom only seek to restore our Constitutional Rights and preserve our sovereignty.

It's time people grasp the vast difference between the Democrats today verses the party they knew thirty years ago. They're not of the same ideology -- no where close! Now, they profit from divisive speech which incites, no, demands violent exchanges that goes to disrupt and tear apart our societal fabric. Like a virus, they have tried to alter our perceptions to our own demise!

Simply put, we need to end this insidious romanticizing of the Left as some social justice warrior group and realize they are demonstratively hypocritical.

How ironic is it that Clinton comes out about racism in America - citing the system treats blacks unfairly when she, herself, was just given a pass for her criminality for the moment. She prospered (albeit temporarily) from this double standard justice that has the black men in jail while she gets to run for president and make such platitudes and frivolous promises to her 'masses.'

Open your eyes, my friends, the Democrat party has become a self-serving and self-interest only panderer that wants votes to retain their entitlements of power and money. There's not altruistic motus operandi (*CHARITABLE INTENT*) here.

Don't be fooled by the feel good, feigned social justice moments. It's all a charade designed to get your vote only. 

Obama has never had America's best interest at heart and his actions have betrayed his words. Even our GDP being less than 3% for his entire presidency is indicative of his apathy for our financial well-being. Furthermore, his incendiary speeches about violence and meetings with hate groups like BLM demonstrate a complete disregard for our personal safety. His denial of reality is to make you deny right along with him. Don't be fooled, he knows why the Dallas sniper gunned down police officers from an elevated perch. He also knows the perpetrator's criminal intent and the fact it was a well-thought out act of violence.

In short, Obama is still scamming Americans. After 7-1/2 years of this insane puppet show, when is it going to sink in, you've been duped every way imaginable! Wake up America.

How say you?


  1. Too many dumb people to make any changes! They finally got what the wanted and nothing we can do!

  2. We are in a very bad place right now and it can only get worse. We must give it all we've got in order to turn this country around. We have been victimized by our own government. I hope enough people will wake up and see this.

    1. Welcome, my friend! Glad to see one of my Twitter friends has joined our conversation! Thanks Crane!

  3. ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿญ PrincessJuly 10, 2016 at 10:49 AM

    10:43 the minority reigns only when the majority is lazy and apathetic. Get involved and be a part of change not sit around enabling by complicity. You're part of the problem until you make the decision to refuse to accept the guise!

  4. ๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿฝ Blue Lives MatterJuly 10, 2016 at 10:54 AM

    Hope when Obama goes to Dallas next week, the Dallas Police turn their backs on him the way he's done to law enforcement across the country. Like the NYPD did to their idiot mayor, DPD needs to stand up for themselves, even with the president.

  5. Great article, we can only hope, wish and pray that Donald Trump can win this election, or it will only get worse.

  6. Using words like, "altruistic motus operandi" I'm sure goes right over the heads of 98% of the very audience you're aiming this article at! We need to REACH these folks, not talk over them!

  7. So many people that I live around feel the same , hope it reflects in the votes.

  8. this shows that when Obama gives everyone free internet it is to promote his Liberal / Racist views. These people getting free iphones and soon free internet is not smart enough to use it wisely to research why there is turmoil instead stay on social media to create disruption. This is shows how intelligent peoples are and their desire to keep their minds stagnate instead expanding their knowledge.

    1. Disgruntled PatriotJuly 10, 2016 at 11:19 AM

      When has anything been truly free, 1110? People can see the strings. A lot of their target voters aren't breaking for Clinton. Thank God! ๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ™€ most of the black community is not with BLM or Obama either. Tides have changed to break the chains.

  9. The strategy employed by the Democrats comes straight from the Socialist playbook. Class warfare.

  10. Instigating Civil War should be an impeachable offense!

  11. Mr Crowe
    Not that you need my approval, very well stated post.....thanks for all the input you've contributed.

  12. Common sense policy can only be restored if we take action. Keeping our mouths shut and anonymously speaking on blogs does nothing but promote consent. Action is needed. Conservative people need to attend government meetings and educate others about bad policies. It is not easy and there will be verbal attacks from the left, but that means you are making an impact. Do SOMETHING!!!!

    1. As you speak anonymously! Follow your own words before you preach to others!

  13. Freedom Doesn't Come Without A PriceJuly 10, 2016 at 11:36 AM

    Historical Note: When the revolutionaries sought to free themselves from the King of England (King George) they faced many taunts and upset from colonists that wanted to remain British Subjects. Afterwards, the nay-sayers came to love the newfound freedom just like the cavaliers who fought to obtain it. Just saying...

  14. 11:30, At least the conversation gets started on BLOGS and never see's the light of day within the MSM.

    Once enough people are up in arms, (so to speak) and the topic garnishes enough attention, then the MSM might pick it up.

    It may be baby steps but let me assure you of one thing Thornton can in fact confirm, SBYNews gets tens of millions of hits and we are being heard. We're NOT just a local Blog any more.

  15. From A Time for Choosing:

    “If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.” Ronald Reagan

    "...history will record with the greatest astonishment that those who had the most to lose did the least to prevent its happening..." Ronald Reagan

  16. Anonymous ������ Princess said...
    10:43 the minority reigns only when the majority is lazy and apathetic. Get involved and be a part of change not sit around enabling by complicity. You're part of the problem until you make the decision to refuse to accept the guise!

    July 10, 2016 at 10:49 AM

    This comment is PRICELESS!! Get your lazy ass out there and vote. Get your family members and friends out there to vote. We have to take this country back.

  17. ����������� Blue Lives Matter said...
    Hope when Obama goes to Dallas next week, the Dallas Police turn their backs on him the way he's done to law enforcement across the country. Like the NYPD did to their idiot mayor, DPD needs to stand up for themselves, even with the president.

    July 10, 2016 at 10:54 AM


  18. Anonymous Disgruntled Patriot said...
    When has anything been truly free, 1110? People can see the strings. A lot of their target voters aren't breaking for Clinton. Thank God! ๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ™€ most of the black community is not with BLM or Obama either. Tides have changed to break the chains.

    July 10, 2016 at 11:19 AM

    Can someone please tell me how to post emoticons on this blog? I bet Joe doesn't even know.

    1. ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿญ๐ŸญPrincessJuly 10, 2016 at 1:06 PM

      If you post from your ๐Ÿ“ฒ then the emojis keyboard can be used. It also works on tablets, too.

    2. 11:19 Comment from your phone. ๐Ÿค”

  19. Another great one Thornton!
    I agree with your comments and probably would go even further in describing the descent of the Democrat Party in America. It is full blown communism. Including all of the corruption that comes with communism.

  20. 12:13, You are absolutely right, I have no clue.

  21. Now let's talk about the Republicans of 30 years ago v. the Republicans of today. Did you know that Barry Goldwater's widow said that neither she nor anyone in her family will be voting for Trump?

  22. Actually, this article has an error. It hasn't been a mere 7-1/2 years we've been dealing with this Democratic descent into communistic hell, it's been more like since FDR that we've continued this downward spiral. While we did get reprieves along the way, they have been brief and not long-lasting.

    The New Deal was actually the beginning of prefab government oversight on our daily lives with its insane regulations. Luckily for us, the Supreme Court overturned a great chunk of the ND legislature but we did get strapped with Social Security. Johnson later turned it into a government slush-fund, Ponzi scheme which now is endangered even though many seniors were forced to comply with contribution.

    However, for this momentary sliver in time, the last seven years have been particularly lethal as it's damned our patriotism and stunted our growth towards peaceful co-existence within our borders (and yes, we do still have them.)

    Much thanks for all the comments. Deeply appreciated that someone reads my writings.

  23. 10:54 - As a resident of Dallas, I can say for certain you will see no cop turn his back on the President. We are a community that is hurting, and we have see what the rancor from ALL SIDES has produced. We are a community that has come together. It's the extremists on all sides that have poisoned these waters. Many of us in Dallas had hoped this would finally wake people up to the anger that has taken over America from all sides. Sadly, reading the comments on this blog have shown it has only hardened people. I read the same hate and anger today that I saw on this blog Thursday before the shootings. For us in Dallas, many of you are the problem. Not just elected officials, but you as well.

    Joe posted a screen grab of a black woman's FB posting and many of you commented that's what we need right now. Yes, that is exactly what we need - the common person saying we are tired of it all. We are tired of the left and the right thinking they have all the answers. We are tired of the politicians that think they have some monopoly on the truth. We are tired of the left thinking the right has no idea. We are tired of the right thinking the left has no idea. We are tired.

    1. Thank you, well said. We need to come together not turn our backs.

  24. Queensgirl, Republicans have downward spiraled since Reagan. There's no disputing that. But you mistake RINO (Republican in Name Only) for Republican. There is a difference and you should investigate them.

  25. 12:23 And interesting thought about Trump from the Laura Ingram show the other day. She summed up Trump pretty accurately. She said that Trump doesn't look at things like typical politicians. He doesn't view things in a partisan manner. He views things and judges them through his own belief system. While he's running as a Republican, he is more interested in Common Sense governance rather than the RINO/DNC globalism we've been living under since Bush, Sr. It is ideologically impossible to be both a conservative who values our sovereignty and Constitution and a globalist at the same time. The two memes completely contradict one another. Globalists want to destroy our sovereignty (and Constitutional Rights) while the former seeks to preserve them.

    As for Goldwater's widow, many First Ladies differed in opinions from their Presidential husbands so I don't really see your point here other than to slam Trump in some glib remark.


    Right now, TRUMP is the only hope to reclaim this country. If he is not victorious, rest assured, Hillary Clinton will sell us out to the highest foreign enemy bidder to line her own pocket. If you don't like Trump, fine. I would never say he's "perfect" as no one is... You're not looking at him to be your bible study leader; you're supposed to be looking for someone who will stand up to enemies - foreign AND domestic.

    If you're looking for a prom date, go on Match.com. For me, I'm looking for a person who preserve what our Founding Fathers envision for us. FREEDOM!

  26. I think what you all fail to remember, is, if the system was a level and fair playing ground, we might have a chance to change things. When the cards are stacked against you, you are only going through the motions. No chance to change.

  27. Freedom Doesn't Come Without A PriceJuly 10, 2016 at 12:57 PM

    The system is a lot fairer than you think 1249. You're just trying to dissuade people from taking control of things and demanding things to change. If what you're saying is true, then we all might as well commit mass suicide and forget it. While that seems extreme, your comment is just as extreme. Things change. Reagan was one instance where it did change. Defeatists might as well just go back to sleep. We'll wake you up when all the heavy lifting is over!

  28. I'll be glad when this election is over because then my mute button can get a rest. I mute all enemies. Obama, Clinton, Little Big Liar. All of them. Will be glad when they stop molesting my television viewing time with their BS.


    In his speech in Poland, Obama demonstratively omitted the names of the five Dallas officers yet, said the names of the criminal perpetrators shot by police officers which led to the BLM marches.

    I will list them as their deaths in the line of SERVICE should never be in vain!

    Lorne Ahrens, Michael Krol, Michael J. Smith, Brent Thompson and Patrick Zamarripa

  30. Trump is crazy to go to Dallas right now. If he goes out in public I will give him props for having huge coconuts. The very city were a President was murdered. All the people of all states need to turn their back on this man.

    I could give a rats ass about Goldwater's senile crazy widow. My family is voting Trump even the Democrats in my family are voting Trump. They have seen through Hilldabeast's criminality.

  31. Well, I, for one, resent it when a representative of the people refers to you and me, the free men and women of this country, as "the masses."

    Who said this famous quote?

  32. T Crowe - Obama did not say the names of the two men killed by the Police. He did not say the names of the victims on Friday because their names had not been released yet. Only the DART officer's name was released by Friday AM.

    1. Well 800 that's strange because when you go on my blog you'll see I posted an article from NPR that is dated for Friday and on Fox News show this morning, Congressman Hurd from TX was asked if Obama should go to TX when he didn't even mention the officers' names but did mention the officer shooting victims from LA & MN. Seems like you'd better get on the horn to NPR and Fox News ASAP because they're making Obama look bad by reporting on factual items. Until then, please remember I say this with kindness, it's my job to know these things and I pretty much am engaged 24/7 so please seriously do your fact checking before making these comments. Thanks for your comment!

  33. I'm in the dark,Thornton. What is your blog address/name?

  34. 9:02 http://thorntoncrowe.blogspot.com/2016/07/a-stand-with-shield.html

  35. Crowe, this is straight to the point and gut wrenching honest for democrats. Those who refuse to research and believe the mantra from media will doom their futures in an unimaginable way. Poverty will certainly rise. Clinton makes hollow promises, always has and we can not afford her bad judgement. Wow, just wow on this!

  36. 1018 Watershed moments are what makes America resilient. We'll get through this, we just need to do it with brains until brawn is absolutely last resort required.

  37. T Crowe - Obama did not say the names of the two men killed by the Police. He did not say the names of the victims on Friday because their names had not been released yet. Only the DART officer's name was released by Friday AM.

    July 10, 2016 at 8:00 PM


    Thornton, I believe the above comment maker is correct. The day is important but the time stamp is more important. Using the information you had and additional information my research showed it seems likely Obama was giving his speech in Poland about the same time the names were completely released here.

    We have a decent president no matter what you and others say. He is a man who is concerned about all Americans. Any honest person who listened to or read his speech would know that.

    1. So what you're saying is the president, even in Poland does not get briefings about situations here because he's out of the country? Once at the hospital at 3am our time, they knew the officers' names who had died.

      How I know this is I WAS watching at 3AM and they said they were not releasing names until their families were brought there. The speech which I am referring to happened later on Friday morning/afternoon. And it was a big enough issue that news reporter question Hurd about that yesterday. I also was WATCHING that live, too.

      Are you suggesting I didn't see/hear what I saw/heard? Okay.

    2. Also based on the article I wrote, there is no way you will ever convince me that Obama is a good person. And you suggesting that I'm not honest is offensive at the very least. I take my deal very serious as you should.

    3. I'll being the Common Sense ☕️๐ŸฉJuly 11, 2016 at 5:24 PM

      215 if he's so concerned about Americans why did he start a race war? Why does he put us in danger with Muslim refugees after seeing what they did in Germany. You're living in a ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿญ and rainbow or world. When you finally wake up you'll be in chains.

  38. From 2:15

    The names were released at about the same time of his speech. I continue to believe based on my research which is more extensive than yours that they were not quite released at the time of Obama's Poland speech.

    Thornton said, "And it was a big enough issue that news reporter question Hurd about that yesterday."

    It was a Fox reporter and it was a question he was using to bait Hurd. Anybody who watched it, and I did, knows Hurd did not take the bait.

    I am sure you take your deal seriously. That does not mean you do not have selective hearing, seeing and explaining based on your desire to rip power away form the Democrats and put it back somewhere on the Republican side despite that you do not identify as a Republican. This is the best you can do at this time and your behavior is perfectly understandable.

    On the other hand my own interest is understanding what really is happening and the truth of our reality in light of nuance and pragmatism.

  39. As by fate 6:36, at about the same time you wrote this, Obama was making yet another divisive speech. You and 2:15 really should wake up and realize this whole racial division thing is a purposeful act. It's scary that people such as yourselves are not that tuned into the ruse. You and I may have heard the same interview with Hurd, but the reporter wouldn't have asked it if it wasn't a concern. There are actually a lot of people who are not happy about Obama and Bush going to Dallas tomorrow because they think it's 'just for show.' Which I share that opinion considering the many times Obama has talked out of his hat about so much he knows nothing about when it comes to these incidents that turn out to be false.


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