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Friday, July 08, 2016

The Kiss Of Death


  1. Two Things Could Be TrueJuly 8, 2016 at 10:19 AM

    Okay - Legal terms: what this means, kids, is that Comey knows - yes, KNOWS, her actions prove criminal intent. So now I ask you WHY would Comey knowingly let her go. Connect the dots, peeps! Connect the dots!

  2. Intent was certainly present or she would have surrendered ALL of her emails to the government for sorting, "personal" emails included. This would have been transparent and legal; what she did was neither, as likely there was information in those that would point to further investigation being a necessity.

  3. When I heard that series of questions and answers while watching the hearing, my jaw dropped. Kudos to the Representative.

  4. Given all the logic and information presented in this hearing, this case needs to be reopened or another opened. The woman is clearly in violation of law.

  5. Am I the only person who knows about the rope trick? Just keep giving her more.That's all that is needed.No one is immune from the rope trick.

  6. Who is Halley Croft? She is cute!

  7. Even though I hate seeing good men fall, this was a bright moment in the hearing yesterday! Chaffetz and Gowdy must have had an all-nighter before because Jason did what Trey usually does - hit a home run for the legal justice system in this country. Gowdy is known for his NO-BS candor but Jason, actually seemed to enjoy his new found balls. He had Comey dead to rights. This along with the lying to Benghazi committee were the high moments. Of course, I did like Mica's statement about the perjury charges, too.

    10:55, absolutely correct. And it even achieved the rare Criminal Intent beyond a reasonable doubt, too. You don't go burning your calendars, keeping servers in your basement off secured traceable accountability and flaming emails in a big cookout without having some forethought - malice - or intent. Sorry. I'm sure many defense lawyers would argue me on this but you'd have to be blind as a bat not see what's going on all around this situation.

    Even this is too placid for anyone to believe this to be the old crazy old granny who is ignorant in technology defense.


  8. Mr.Comey did not conduct or attend the interview with Hillary.
    Hillary was not under any oath.
    There was no video or any recording of this 3 hr. "interview".
    I'm sure the interviewer does not have 100% accurate recall, so
    Mr Comey's comments and testimony is nothing more than hearsay.
    Hillary only has to say, that was not my answer as I recall.
    The head of the FBI can't be this ignorant, it was all in the
    works long before events took place.

  9. i would not consider Comey a coward. It is obvious that he did what he was told. We will never know the ramifications (death to him and his family etc.)that he was presented with.What would anyone do in that situation?

  10. To have a video reviewed by the Bureau's behavioral science unit would be extremely interesting, if not revealing. Hers might be a case that would forever be in the training manuals and annals of the Bureau.

  11. Legally Hillary cannot be awarded a clearance she's untrustworthy at the very least! Paul Ryan's approach seems to be more a viable. They cannot prove her Criminal Intent since they didn't record or document her testimony..WOW UF-BELIEVABLE

  12. The way Chaffetz laughed at Comey only shows he nor Gowdy were buying what Comey said. Even Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch accused Comey of lying. He's impugned the agency and disgraced the shield. I am so perplexed at his dereliction of duty. Still trying to parse it out.


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