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Saturday, July 09, 2016

Loretta Lynch to Dallas protesters: ‘Do not be discouraged’

Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Friday encouraged protesters not to allow the “heinous violence” that occurred in Dallas to silence their “important” voices.

Five police officers died and seven more were wounded in an ambush during a peaceful rally in Dallas on Thursday to protest the deaths of black men in Louisiana and Minnesota who were shot dead by police this week. Two civilians were also injured Thursday.

Lynch stressed that she is “deeply grateful” to law enforcement’s commitment to difficult and dangerous work to keep America safe but vowed that the Justice Department would do all it can to help. And she urged peaceful protesters not to give up.



  1. This administration are nothing but a bunch of incompetent ignorgant agitating traitors

  2. Yes, shame on them for promoting peaceful demonstration and 1st amendment rights

  3. I'm beginning to believe what the Muslims (the real Muslims and not the prison converts that congregate to Farrakhan) and that is that blacks are the spawn of evil. Muslims can't stand blacks. They think they are unclean and dirty. In the middle east Muslims still today go down to Africa and get them as slaves. They think that is all they are good for and need masters because they aren't capable on their own of building a civilization.

  4. 8:40

    can i have some of what you're smoking?

    obviously you've destroyed most of what little brain cells you started with.

    Lynch knows she can push her crowd far enough to the edge that a few derelicts will jump off the edge and do terrible things, and then she steps back and says..."not my fault."

    And people like you just fall in line like good little sheep.

    you should be proud for defending the indefensible.

  5. Disappointment indeed........

  6. Loretta Lynch is inciting violence before any facts were available about 1) the sniper and 2) the actual supposed killing of two black me in MN and LA. It's really stupid on her part. A more appropriate message would be to tell the Dallas Police that the DOJ had their back. Instead, she used it for an obvious pander to the BLM hench mob which led to the police being gunned down. Nice coming from the supposed highest law enforcement in the country.

    Democrats seem to thirst for these incidents so they have something to talk about because they lack any platforms. The real thing it says is Lynch isn't doing her job! Of course, we saw this during the week prior to the shooting, didn't we?


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